DreadPirateRoberts - AYW

Yep, they are authentic. Although I personally prefer the sesame balls or other things. To be honest, I have not seen many Dim Sum places needing to Americanize too much, unlike standard Chinese restaurants in America.

I don’t “condone” it. I just don’t trust my fellow humans to strip bias or self interest. Just like I know my own perceptions are colored by my own biases. Obviously one has to think for ones self. The old “Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see.”

Perhaps, but we all realize that all news organizations spin their news as it fits their message. That is called being human, flawed that it is. And lets not pretend that GMG and everyone else does not do this. They are just usually smart enough to make their editorial decisions BEFORE the readers see it.

She also appears to have a forked spine.

Ehhh, there are probably hundreds of words or more that you use every day that have the same origins. It is silly to try to weed them out of your language. Language is constantly evolving. The fact that we no longer perceive “no can do” as racist is a GOOD thing. It means the racism of the term has died out. NOT

I know this response is well after your post, but this whole response sounds fervently silly at best. Apple had just released Apple Pay Cash, the the writer was comparing it to already existing peer to peer payment systems, wondering if you should even bother to sign up for Apple Pay Cash. She is NOT comparing Apple

Umm, since he was around in the comics for a long time, I would say that the answer is no.

WHAT. ON. EARTH? How is a pre-decided coin flip “dishonorable”? He tied a more experienced Olympic athlete. That was pretty impressive itself. I would think his “dishonorable” accusation and public pouting will make sure he is NOT chosen “next time”.

You say that. And it does sound interesting. But there would be those who claimed that the premise just sets up the “black guys” as the enemy again.

You COULD say the same thing about Handmaiden’s Tale. “Don’t make that! Women have been marginalized throughout history. A book or series like this would just be thoughtless fantasizing about marginalizing them even further!”

So agree with all you said on what they do to classic properties. But I DO think part of the blame lies with the movie going public. No one shows up for original stuff, even though they ask for it. So a studio gets an idea for a movie (even a crappy script like this) and says “let’s attach a known character to it and

It was just a sparkly teaser for a quick Super Bowl ad. The new trailer focuses plenty on the characters. How you like what you see is the new game for discussion. Personally I was fine, but will need more time to adjust to someone else playing Han.

Actually, I gave my personal, brief opinion as someone who has read the book and watched the show, to someone who appears to have done one and assumed about the other.

Annnnd..... That was a lot of silly blather over a brief opinion. But you do you.

Ummm, sexual harassment is not being alleged here. Abuse of power is a stretch too. He wanted her to do a scene. She did not want to do it and was concerned for her safety (as well she should have been). That makes him a thoughtless jerk in this case, but not exactly someone who “needs to be brought down”.

Annnnnd...... you would imagine incorrectly. The show was fine and I watched, but the book is superior, particularly in atmosphere.

While I normally agree with that sort of sentiment, this study is barely science. It is observational, anecdotal to a degree, without a rigorous sample set, and few tracked specifics. I would rather see something more robust before I put much stock in it.

So, as in Old Man’s War, how long before a lot of people make their wake word “Hey Asshole.....”

Wow. The only thing sketchy is your grasp of history.

For me it was not accepting that she could do it. It was the way it looked on film. It really took me out of the film for a bit.