DreadPirateRoberts - AYW

If you think Amazon is doing this for your benefit, you’re being extraordinarily naive.

Except that he is not saying it is rigged for those teams, just that human nature will ALWAYS mean the big stars get leeway with other humans. This has been the case since the dawn of sports.

Well, to get around that they will say she is “white hispanic”, which is offensive to no end.

Except..... we still have ZERO idea if racism played any part in this. All we now have is her brother being pissed and feeling it was. But I might be pissed if my sister got dropped and claimed something similar without actually knowing, or deciding that even if told otherwise. So we still have nothing. Would like to

Nah. Love much of this site. But the ads definitely fall under “obnoxious”.

Sort of metaphorically sums up the game for the Bulls right there. Impressive start, and then..... not so much.

So I don’t disagree with his premise, but it would have been helpful if he had shown a few examples of what he was stating (like he sort of did with Flanders) rather than just a ton of unrelated art and stills. Maybe it was a rights issue? But it would have made things more interesting.

Seems like a healthy response to me. There is NO issue that is above some introspection and caution once and a while. EVERY cause gets partly co-opted by some people for their own purposes. The very fact that some will allow NO questions on a given topic is a red flag in and of itself.

Yep. In that scene, Rey smiles at him when he approaches the creature at first, probably thinking he is going to aide some creature in distress or giving birth. And then in an instant Luke basically says “yeah, watch this and see if your perceptions still hold up”.

Marasai has the right of this discussion. Rey is the textbook definition of a Mary Sue character, and it is frustrating because I LIKE Daisy Ridley in the role, but not how her character is written. It is distracting when you see her pilot the Falcon in TFA as well as Han or Chewie could when we know she as been stuck

It’s funny, because I DO like the film, but wholeheartedly agree with pretty much all of your criticisms, and about how Rogue One handled all of this far better as well.

I can’t understand why ANYONE would care about this edit. So what. Some dweeb made an edit to a film they did not like. It impacts no one as most of us would never even know it existed or care.

Trump says a lot of dumb stuff off the cuff, but filler sounds are not his issue.

It was one of Obama’s signature speaking habits, likely meant to give the impression that he was carefully selecting each word as well as make prewritten speeches sound more organic.

You can call this whatever, but how is it “brave”? Many Trump detractors already believe this, and many Trump supporters expect detractors to say stuff like this. And nothing will happen to Flake for saying this, so where is the brave part?

Yep. When I was visiting Tokyo I played this constantly. Not nearly as well as this guy obviously. But it IS addictive.

I don’t really think the Hawaii mistake shows anything really. It rightfully upset a lot of people. But it would have happened regardless of who is in office, and no one (Trump or otherwise) was even close to doing anything as a result. If anything, it showed that even Trump is not going get triggered by something

Nah, West of East got it right the first time.

Exactly my point. Strong experience guarantees nothing. But like you and I agree, zero experience is even worse.

When someone is killed by a drunk driver, the place that sold him the alcohol and the car dealership don’t also get punished.