You might train differently, but a blanket “fire only if you are fired upon” just leads to some dead officers and then dead victims you were trying to protect.
You might train differently, but a blanket “fire only if you are fired upon” just leads to some dead officers and then dead victims you were trying to protect.
Dude, when I said “we” I meant “voters in general”, not you or I specifically. Why do you think so much is spent on marketing for campaigns, or why are people concerned that huge spending will “steal” an election. Because most people DON’T do any research. Most people vote for the name they know, or the party the name…
While I totally agree on the celebrity thing, we do gamble and take chances on most candidates. We don’t really know them. We tend to vote for the person we heard the most about (but not always). Obama had very little experience, and if you were just going on experience and political savvy, McCain had him beat on that…
Wow. I decided I would listen to both and see where I could hear the similarities (in a lot of these cases I can see both sides). But these two are nearly note for note identical from the start, and while there is divergence, it just seems way to close to just be a coincidence of “there are only so many arrangements”.
the NFL tried that, and it was a fucking catastrophe.
You just have to accept that it is the prime timeline, but with a modern set and effects budget. The Klingons are stupid, but the rest is just different look.
Very true. Seasons 2-4 are quite good. 5 is sort of a mess again.
These things ALWAYS fail to hang around very long. Trump supporters won’t watch obviously, and Trump detractors don’t want to watch the guy on their screens for a prolonged show. Some jokes on late night? Fine. A dedicated cartoon. Zero interest.
So help me understand that first one? Do people just reach out and grab Geishas?
Well because it does not expire as far as the US is concerned. And the rules as to when a country starts getting nervous that you might not go back vary from place to place with no US control over it. Some even don’t care. I know China, which requires a visa, will not give you a visa if your US passport expiration is…
So Dante is a little out of date on this. This WAS all true up until recently. But nowadays the US Passport office will take your own supplied photos (they finally recognized that many people have cell phones or other cameras and printers). And you could always mail it if you are not in a rush. If you ARE in an…
I will try that. Personally I don’t like KFC hot (too greasy as others have said) but enjoy it cold, so you may have something there.
I LOVED them as a kid. But these days I can literally feel the damage being done as I eat one.
I personally don’t like either of the KFC hot wing varieties. The both just taste wrong somehow. I hope these are better (although I have never eaten at Popeye’s as they are pretty rare around me).
Isn’t that what Darwinism is all about? Aren’t we just thinning out the stupid fish?
That’s great and all, but you have to catch the boys to punish them. They are not going to tell you what they are asking from the girls, and the girls are not going to let you know at all that this is happening because it opens a whole other can of worms about talking to you about their choices and sexuality.
I think everyone is missing the fact in this back and forth speculation that they could still be anyone, and we still don’t know, because JJ Abrams is running things and HE doesn’t know.
Maybe, except that QB’s don’t face each other. The face the defense of the other team.
Ehhh. Great? Yes. But IMO Montana is still the GOAT. Brady is great, but plays in a pussy league by comparison as far as QB protection.
Yes, but the degree is essentially greater because it is getting easier. Make no mistake. It will only get worse. There will NEVER be an election where they don’t increasingly try to skew perception. As do we. It would have happened not matter who ran, and it will continue to happen going forward. The old maxim still…