DreadPirateRoberts - AYW

First, why post this huge jpeg? We can see them right below.

So I don’t get this answer. So removing Puffins is too expensive. But CGI animating Porgs over them is cheaper?

I guess we all have different tolerances. I did not mind them at all. I could not stand Ewoks. At all. Not for 30 seconds. The Porgs on the other hand were not as obtrusive.

I guess it varies. Around us it is almost always Turkey for Thanksgiving AND Christmas, Ham for Easter, Corned Beef for St. Patricks (those are the only western holidays I can think of with fixed traditions). But if anyone IS going to switch it up, it is something else (Prime Rib? Roast?) for Christmas.

I am a huge fan of the show, and am even just fine with the finale, but your comment on the final five is dead on.

Frasier farcical take is unique. My favorite thing from that show is just the way they will take a simple premise and then just build upon the absurdity of the situation to some sort of crescendo of disaster.

Yes. Cognac is basically a specific type of brandy from Cognac, France. There are lots of other examples.

Fair enough. But what I really meant was that this was not harassing employees or coworkers. It was talking with escorts, which is between him and them IMO. I guess I don’t care about it any more than I care about two adults talking about or having consensual sex, married or not.

That part I can agree with. And, true, who would use their real account?

I don’t know about medals. But why does anyone care what he says to some sex workers on his own time? I guess it might make for some humorous comment, but this does not really have anything to do with harassment.

Why does it have to be collusion? The simple fact is that no given team wants the circus in the locker room and in the media that Kaepernick would bring. If he was Tom Brady, they might swallow it to win games. But his last couple of years were meh at best. There is not enough upside.

Yep, it really just works. Biggest thing to do if you had an old iPad is to back up the old and set up the new one with the backup when it asks. If you don’t have an old one, just turn it on and enjoy and download whatever apps float your boat.

Really? When I have gone with lower cost airlines, Virgin America and Jet Blue were always by far and away the best experiences.

For me, they seem to fit surprisingly well. Got them as a gift and was shocked how they seem to stay in no matter what I do. I also have started seeing lots of people wearing them, so the seem to fit for most pretty well by some sort of witchcraft.

People don’t care about plot, characters, or ideas anymore. They just want pop culture references.

While I agree that the book itself is sort of average at best, what was your issue with Parcival? I think part of the point is that none of these characters are heroes, just flawed people with cool avatars.

How? First, it would be illegal to sell your credit card information. Second, this would be handled by the secure element like the fingerprint sensor. Apple has never been know to sell any of this stuff.

His saying she wasn’t lying is an admission. End of story. You are being fucking ridiculous.

It is true that there is SO MUCH Elsa/Anna lesbian porn out there.

In all fairness, in that last one, Elsa did not seem to appreciate what Olaf did.