
That’s just.... not right.

*shrug* So are most dogs.

Which is why I put decent in quotes. That said, the Nuremberg defense is strictly “following orders”. Nothing about “there was a guy standing behind me ready to shoot me if I didn’t.”

Maybe.... It’s been a while, but that doesn’t sound terribly different wording than the severance packages I’ve been given when the studios I was working for was closed down by the parent company. (ok, yeah. bad luck). You don’t get your money if you don’t sign the form saying you agree and that you won’t talk about

Honestly, I’m... unconvinced.

I *so* have to agree with you on showing/naming the shooter. Show/name/etc.the victims, talk about them, celebrate their life, etc. But let the shooter wallow in namelessness, preferably with degrading adjectives.

Semantics here, but...

Just as long as it’s genuine organic snake oil, and not this GMO crap.

Honestly, I expect it worked most of the time, particularly early on in his career. Wouldn’t be particularly surprised if towards the beginning the women actually initiated things. Possibly why it got so flagrant, he just started assuming it as a matter of course. I doubt he woke up one morning, and though, “Gee, I’ve

You got two words switched around, I think you mean “who took fucking Harvey deals”.

Except there’s a good chance most/all of that network weren’t bootlicking sycophants, but “decent” people worried about being blacklisted themselves if they spoke up.

But if you’re going down a hill, then up another hill one right after, you’d use less gas if you went down in neutral because you’d gather more momentum to push you up instead of using the engine to accelerate. It’s kind of like a roller coaster, he says.


You do realize that there actually are non-binary humans, that either have both or neither?

My 2 cents?

AFAIK that isn’t true if they bump you for being disruptive.

Because *if* an explanation still makes sense if you take race out, it’s at least possible race isn’t the reason. If it makes total sense, then it’s probable race isn’t the reason.

I’ve seen the same thing in the video games industry, but I’m not convinced that has anything to do with the companies excluding minorities. I’ve been in some hiring interviews, and the only minorities I can remember meeting were Asian or Indian. I think I’ve only run into 2 or 3 african-american engineers in my

I’m no math major, but if African-American’s went from 8 to 9%, Hispanics went from 11 to 12%, and Asians from 18 to 19%,

I’m tempted to say “sure”, because if you aren’t supporting the company, why SHOULD you get cool stuff? Demanding it reeks of entitlement.