
As somebody else pointed out, and after listening to the video again I agree:


I didn’t catch that, but you’re right, it definitely does sound like the punchee called the punchers GF a bitch at the beginning which, IMO, makes far more sense as the reason he threw the punch than being called “spic”, particularly because there would be some delay between hearing something offensive and the

“Address the issue head on” != “parting ways so he can focus on his solo career”.

In this case it may have been the wrong move. Looking at the footage the girl in the yellow flagrantly took a swing at the officer’s head with no (at least in the footage) significant provocation, which led to the officer switching his attention to her to attempt to detain her while she actively tried to escape.

I’d have to argue that the fact that people are spending real money and/or time on the chance to acquire it already means it has as much value, if not more, than the mostly green piece of fabric with a few “5"’s printed on it known as a 5 dollar bill.

I was actually referring to random loot drop from raid bosses, etc. (or whatever the destiny equivelent is.) where you can do a raid dozens of times before the item you need drops, only to have it won by the other (insert class) in the party winning the roll.

5 foot nothing that took a full on, apparently unprovoked, swing at the officers head. I doubt the officer was thinking, “gee, this is is only a teenage girl that just tried to clock me, I should go easy on her.”

No idea, seems odd for that white guy to interfere with the officer attempting to arrest a girl who flagrantly assaulted the officer a short while earlier. I can only assume there was something before the footage that mitigates that girls actions.

Considering seconds after the video starts the gal in the yellow takes a full on swing at the officers head, which appears to result in him throwing the other girl down while trying to mitigate the hit, I don’t particularly see anything wrong here.

Seems like the best response would have been to send the kid to school dressed up as a Union soldier if the event happens next year. Preferably as a member of one of the Armies under Sherman’s command, allowing for the counterpoint, “I escaped, joined the army, burned your house down and all your fields, leaving you

1. People in PR are apparently very bad at making clear-cut referendums whose wording won’t be contested.

True, but if we manage to educate enough people, perhaps such tactics will no longer maximize their profits.

At least one of which would be supporting the existence of football itself?

Yep, the very fact that they are using loot boxes instead of simply having the items for sale is, to me, an immediate red flag. They are intentionally using predatory tactics when they don’t have to.

I’ll admit I’ve never played destiny, but I’m under the impression it has random loot like most other MMORPG’s. So I suspect it’s still possible to spend $15 and still not “get ur item”. (Yes, I’m not a fan of random loot, which is part of the reason I avoid end game hamster wheels) However, you’re getting a whole lot

From what I can tell, their logo isn’t “SS”. It’s a single large S being used for the S in both Sturgis and Scoopers. (written one above the other). So any SS is just going to be kids spray painting it however they like.

Before we jump on the “this is proof they knew about his raping/assaulting women” bandwagon, do we know if the companies code of conduct prohibits consensual romantic relationships between a person and people who are under that person in the company hierarchy? Many organizations have such things in their code of

I’m not sure it does, since this situation has the added aspect of “dropped 3rd strike”, which the rules don’t specifically cover, and which occurred significantly before the bat connected. So it’s not interference, it’s a strike. but in *this* situation, the runner has every right to attempt to advance to first on a

I vaguely seem to remember reading something along the lines that 14 is a holy number in Christianity (Judaism?), and just like Halloween before All Saints Day, the day before is sketchy.