
Maybe I’m misremembering, but I was under the impression the women who simply escaped Weinstein’s assaults weren’t ruined? It’s only those that actually accused him?

My dad wanted to follow the rules unless they were inconvenient.

*sigh* and again, my point, is that the panel methodology was *only* used for films. They used a different methodology for the other categories, that, essentially, didn’t work. So they recommend that in subsequent studies, the panel approach should be used.


Wasn’t Keyisha Ka’oirthe the name of a FF villain? I think he went with “Kefka” for short.

Not really. The reason Trumps plan failed was because it was merely an executive order denying funds. The requirements to be eligible for the funds are actual laws, and the courts simply ruled that he can’t add arbitrary restrictions. It would be perfectly legal for congress itself to change the laws concerning the

I’m actually curious how people think sanctuary status should affect the reported crime rate.

15 or 21, a distinction a middle-aged (or older) man with a propensity for pursuing women half his age would argue is very, very important.

And this, my friends, is why you don’t do a U-Turn in the right most of two left turn lanes.

I think what makes the clip in the article peculiar is because, yes. It seems fairly obvious the one car is obscuring the other car. But that first car would be in clear/perfect view of the car that it hits, however it accelerates right into it, only apparently hitting the brakes on contact. So it seems like to THAT

It’s deterrent. Making it public/obvious that these 5 young men essentially have had their lives ended because they chose to toss rocks off a bridge decreases the odds that some other kids will think it’s a good way to entertain themselves. Any punishment for a crime like this has little to do with the people that

As stated, soldiers are expected to have better weapons discipline because they are far more likely to be in situations that require it, so yes. They train better, and *expect* the training to be of immediate use. Not so much with the police. So yes, I agree with you, it is an issue of training. I’m not convinced it’s

FYI, the laws differ from state to state. It’s possible that in some states you are required to yield to pedestrians who are waiting to enter the crosswalk, though I couldn’t find one. That said, all the states I did check has terminology such as:


Uhm, one minor caveat. *she* says she was in custody. No charges were pressed, the officers didn’t take her to the station. I haven’t read there is any evidence that she was actually detained by the officers except for her statement, so they *may* have an argument that she could (and did) legally consent because she

“She moved suddenly so I thought she was attacking so I put my dick in her _____ because I was in fear for my life.” probably doesn’t really hold up well.

*shrug* of the various fast food joints, it’s pretty much the only ones I’ll voluntarily frequent.

In an attempt to be “fair”, the line here between sexual assault and prostitution is somewhat thin.

I’m not particularly into dating, but here’s my 2 cents.

I’m puzzled. If they didn’t have a warrant to arrest the guy, seems like it’s irrelevant whether or not the guy was in the house. If they did have a warrant to arrest the guy, then I don’t think it matters that they didn’t have a warrant to enter the house, they only need the arrest warrant to enter if they believe,