
So, I assume you have no problem then with police officers gunning down anybody acting “crazy”?

Good, but not all *that* unexpected, and I hope he gets the treatment he obviously needs. From what I’ve read about “practicing” pedophilia, it’s a compulsion that they simply can’t withstand. They know it’s wrong, and in some cases become wracked with guilt over their actions once the compulsion is over, but while

Oh, I definitely agree that deterrent factor has no impact on “crimes of impulse (or crimes of passion)“ I also doubt *length* of sentence has any impact after it reaches a ~5 years as far as deterrence goes. It’s human nature that a lot of things, after a certain point, just becomes “a lot”. I don’t think simply

Uhm, I’d have to argue your example is worse.

I definitely agree that they shouldn’t be put back on the streets on “beat duty”, but there are other places they can still serve, should they be willing to be reduced to mere paperwork. Hence restricting them to administrative duty.

I’m not sure if you’re agreeing or disagreeing with me. Instant gratification is pretty much the mantra of modern society. And there is always another steak dinner (or some other luxury) they could have instead regardless of how they budget or coupons they clip, seeing as rampant consumerism isn’t too far behind

I’m actually sort of curious, Did DACA recipients actually have any federal legal protections (outside what every other illegal immigrant in the U.S. of A. enjoys from the constitution)? AFAIK the entire DACA setup was 100% executive order, with not a single federal law passed in support of it, which is part of why

Uhm, because he’s being called out because he’s an illegal immigrant, not because he’s any particular race? You an definitely call it out as legitimate illegal immigrant fearmongering though.

Exactly what did they “make up”? As far as I can tell, every single thing in the statement is factual. They never say that Gonzalez actually started these fires.

You joke, but isn’t legalization a fairly commonly argued replacement for the “war on drugs”?

Maybe I’m crazy, but it seems like unless the photo shows evidence that his wife DID shoot him, releasing the pictures would alleviate the stalking/harrassment, not increase it?

That officers are human, that humans make mistakes, and that if there is any evidence in the footage that even possibly corroborates the “in fear of their life”, the correct ruling is not guilty? Anything else is Vengeance, not Justice?

Uhm, I’d be inclined to argue the point of body cam’s isn’t (neccessarily) to alter police behavior, but to validate (or not) their actions in regards to suspects.

Who ever said that criminal justice should be about retaliation/vengeance? If the state has decided somebody is too dangerous to be allowed back into normal society by giving them a life sentence, then yes. They do deserve to die in jail. Whether that death is from killing themselves or old age.

Pet owners, excuse me, “Pet Parents” are insane.

Unless that black kid is the shortest one or volunteered, that teacher has some explainin’ to do.

No, fuck people that subject young children to airplane rides... and everybody else on the plane to an airplane ride with young children. There are other ways to travel, assuming you actually *need* to travel.

You keep skipping the term “robust” like it doesn’t mean anything. They found no reliable/conclusive/real evidence either way. That’s all it says.

I know, it’s almost like they think murdering an innocent person is worse than an anchor baby.

I’m not saying they pirate because it’s convenient, I’m saying when faced with a choice between pirating games or pirating (stealing) a fancy steak dinner because they want both and can only afford one, pirating games is the easier choice. But the decision to actually pirate *something* isn’t due to convenience, it’s