
"I think you and I are more than capable of using our common sense to disprove most of the MMGW myths."

Ooh, aren't you quite the nihilist! Please tell us more about the futility of preserving a way of life as you continue to eat regular meals and post on Gizmodo from the relative comfort of your home or office.

Just drop a gigantic space ice cube into the ocean every so often. Problem solved ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Imagine that. I'll finally be able to use my 3DS for something other than catching up on old DS games! Color me excited.

What amuses me most about the .gif is the thought of the assassin doing fancy ballet-style leg flourishes in order to pull off that mid-air turn — all while holding up both hands near his face à la "Thriller."

Crap, Buffy had Michelle Trachtenberg in it? I guess I'll have to see what all the hubbub's about.

Now playing

This song would have been PERFECT with the banjo + mini keyboard. Oh well...

Sorry, but it would've been a million times better if Voldemort were replaced with Bat Boy

Love how the "ask for this" button isn't even smudged.

Now playing

If you want to know what it is/was about beyond an over-simplified assumption, I highly suggest you watch this video.

I can't wait for the results of this experiment to be released so the entire world can finally reap the benefits of pitch-based technology!

Technically a match is also a kindle device. Maybe they're releasing these books in matchstick format!

Sweet, I'll check it out. Thanks!

My biggest problem with the rented servers, at least on PS3, is that they all seem to cycle through the same four maps... two of which are inevitably Operation Metro and Grand Bazaar.

Fine. Whatever. Just roll out your damn "nintendo network" already so I can download 3DS, DS, and GBA games to my 3DS.

I get what you're saying, and I do agree with you to some extent, but I just don't think the comparison you're making is significant enough to re-frame the OP's point.

Nice try, but the act of facepalming has been around since long before the internet and these trendy memes. The fact that I adequately communicated my reaction is all that matters.

There is an enormously large difference between fact-supported ideology and faith-based ideology; between fact-supported belief and "factless" belief. Esoteric comparisons do not change the fact that religion has no place in American politics.

It is grandstanding in part. That's just the nature of the beast.

What? Even horse and ghost can get married!