
I don't think I can ever watch and enjoy a John Travolta or Mel Gibson movie ever again. Their personal lives (or what the media portrays them to be) are so in-your-face that their public image shoves aside any suspension of disbelief.

Huh. I never knew. I guess that explains why it looks like the hair version of astro-turf.

Ah yes, you did say characterS.

It's not that the screen needs to be protected. When you have a completely enclosed case (screen and all) you minimize the chance of water getting in somehow. When you don't have that screen enclosure, suddenly the entire perimeter becomes a potential leak point. If a vacuum seal fails at one point, it fails

I'm pretty sure they don't delete your characters anymore unless you manually delete your account. $300+ down the drain!

At the end of the day, I'm forced to compare what is out there vs. what Nintendo has in terms of digital distribution. I'm not the only one making that comparison.

They don't have to release everything all at once, but a hint that the 3DS will be getting something more recent than NES-era games before the end of its life cycle would go a long way. Both for current and potential customers.

You can technically already play it on PS3 (the ones with PS2 backwards compatibility).

Have they officially announced dropping PS2 support? Didn't they just increase the minimum space requirement on the PS2 HDD from 10GB to 19GB? That's an odd thing to do if you're planning on dropping support.

"Square Enix, your priorities are so unbelievably fucked up it's not even funny. "

GASP. Something they said they'd never do.

What, no PS2 support?!?!?!

"They have no reason to hurry. "


Will not start caring until they begin releasing two DS and GBA games a week. Come on, Nintendo, what are you doing?

Fair enough. Maybe my experience is unusual? I bought a pre-fab Dell PC in 2007 after my old one died (I needed it in a hurry) and haven't done anything to upgrade since then. These days I'm not running everything on the highest settings, but I'm also not worried about my ability to play new games smoothly.

Nice game. Thanks.

Good call, I forgot that the vast majority of Asian people everywhere do those things. I guess the fact that Japanese animation has had characters with large, round eyes since before WW2 means they've all wanted to be white for a REALLY long time. It's definitely not because larger eyes are more expressive and

"You only save money PC gaming if you buy an insane amount of games!"

And what's the right way to see it? Assuming all Japanese people unashamedly long to be white? I'd love to see a white person that looks like any of those characters.