Carlos the Dwarf

Yeah, your line of reasoning is bullshit pretty much any time it’s trotted out. Most of the world’s successful political revolutions were sparked by resistance by people who could never have reasonably expected to accomplish anything themselves. This applies to more that political protest, in fact; if you reject

There won’t be a chapter about this in his memoirs, there won’t even be a sentence. And anyone who dares bring it up will get ghosted and never be allowed to ask him a direct question again.

This wasn’t a binary choice for LeBron: condemn or support Morey. He had a third option which would have been to make no comment at all. Instead he attacked Morey and called him misinformed. He chose to help the Chinese regime by encouraging Americans to censor themselves when it comes to opinions about the situation

There is a very stark choice here: be happy with the billions and billions of dollars you can make in non-authoritarian countries, or sell your soul for a few billion more.

Soft Power is real. You don’t need to take a bullet in the face to say “shooting protesters in the face is wrong.”

No matter what LeBron does, China is not going to suddenly (or even eventually) change a damn thing. I said this in the other thread; Lebron and all of his fans can Tweet as hard as they want, but he’s not going to change any Chinese minds and the people he will be advocating for won’t ever read those Tweets anyway.”

I know, if only I had an international platform as the most famous basketball player in the world who could bend an entire billion dollar enterprise to support emerging democratic movements in Hong Kong. If only!

I would argue that what LeBron is doing here is probably the most unselfish thing he could do.


locked and loaded for next time LeBron suggests that Kap deserves a job or the police should stop shooting unarmed black kids.

No matter what LeBron does, China is not going to suddenly (or even eventually) change a damn thing.

shocking that someone employing an MLK quote on social media did not actually mean it

Soooo it’s ok to have a business relationship with a nation that’s anti-democracy, guilty of repeat human rights violations, just as long as you keep your mouth shut, turn a blind eye, stay/know your place, and look the other way? Because, ya’ know...think of the oodles of dollars we can make off this deal.

My mom would have beat me, then made me go on national TV and apologize, then took me home, beat me some more and planned my life until I was 18, weekly beatings included. 

Oh yeah,that kid from Covington,KY. The teenager who was threatened and vilified for LITERALLY DOING Nothing......(BLACK TEARS MATTER)

Cut ALL her hair off for a year. Not hats. And mandatory community service every weekend. Also, a visit to the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Virginia and a 5000 word essay on Virginia Black history.

That is exactly what this story screams to me. Same sort of things, except no fall guys.

He broke the terms of his contract. He’s not owed anything bc he didn’t fulfill his contract. Why do you keep saying he's wed money when he did things that voided his contract?

I’m typically 100% pro-labor in these cases, but literally all Brown had to do was shut his mouth and not threaten his accuser and he would have been fine. We can all agree that guaranteed money in the NFL should be guaranteed money, period, but Brown really only has himself to blame in this specific instance.

Why do you think he didn’t tell Brown to not contact these women? He obviously can’t tell the media that his client disregarded his advice.