Carlos the Dwarf

The road game @ Miami has been a trap game for years ever since Tony Sparano undressed Belichik with the wildcat that one time

I was being generous to Billy’s interpretation. Kaepernick could’ve been a saint and said “no” or made Nike donate all proceeds to an organization supporting racial equality.

Your rebuttal is a really good one, but not sure the writer’s comparison is totally invalid. In Kaepernick’s case, his protest was against oppression, but then he turned around and took money from a company whose financial model is arguably the closest thing to slavery taking place in the world today: paying

It could also easily be argued (as the author does) that Nike is not amplifying Kaepernick’s message, but rather watering it down, repurposing it, and using it to sell sneakers.

You really believe Nike cares about Kaepernick’s message? They don’t, they care about the money it will bring them if they say that they do. That’s it.

The biggest news here is KCTV5 doctored the audio and released a portion of it that made Hill look the worst. This cost him money and cost the taxpayers money as they reopened the investigation for another month because of it.

It is also apparent that it is his fiance who is recording him secretly, trying to goad him

One of the crappy things this whole drama has produced is a situation where (the ones who want to) white people can point and say — black people aren’t willing to police themselves and subsequently they create their own problems. And while that may be true in some circumstances — it isn’t true here.

FFS— not a minute too soon if you ask me.  This baby of a man deserves a real prosecution.  His actions were beyond reprehensible. What a child. 

I love how the title is “Here’s a map...” and then you proceed to write an article with ZERO images of said map, and only a tiny 4 character hyperlink to take you to it. And to find it you have to search the page like a shitty game of Where’s Waldo.

It’s almost as if faking a two hate crimes is somehow against the law and actually prosecutable! Who would have thought? 

Huh? The article says that Amy didn’t want to do the movie because of it.

Am I wrong in being extremely weird out about how the article brushes off Amy Heckerling actions? I mean all this criticism of Lorne Michaels is more than valid and he should be call out about it but the article kinds of skips over that all that Kattan alleges happened, did so because Heckerling propositioned him and

I agree with you in principle and practice what you preach, but in this day and age, things are so polarized that it won’t end.

Exactly this. Some people hate and disagree with the barstool content. Others love it. And honestly, that's okay. Can't tell people how to think. Can't tell people what they should find funny. NHL sees value making a relationship with them. The ones who hate barstool are gonna think that is completely wrong. The ones

I think after a drink or two everyone involved would admit it’s personal. I don’t read barstool either because like the writers here I have a different view of the world than the guys at barstool, but if you click on some of her links up there, you’ll see it’s pretty bad.

Did I miss why Deadspin is so hard up on Barstool and Bleacher Report? I don’t read either of those sites, and I get why Barstool is gross, but it seems like an insane amount of reporting on competitors.

Seriously? Hosting a press conference to declare you’re innocent, after you were giving a once in a life time deal, that in NO WAY exonerated you? You don’t think that disqualifies  someone from trying to claim “privacy”?  Sorry. No. If he just disappeared, fine. But he went on national tv to rub it in their faces. 

Guess the Pelican's ticket office works on commission

This is certainly not an ideal outcome, but man, that 40 seconds when I thought the league was gifting Zion to LA to save the Lakers was absolutely excruciating

Geragos is just a smokescreen.

The only names you need to know are Chicago’s D.A. Kimberly Foxx, and private attorney Tina Tchen.

Tina Tchen is Michelle Obama’s former Chief of Staff, and also extremely good friends with Amy Rule (Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s wife).

It was leaked Tchen had personally reached out to District