I’m not protecting anyone.
I’m not protecting anyone.
I’m no fan of cops. But throwing out highly erroneous stats as factual data is incredulous.
While I highly commend your clear, concise, and logical response.. I feel the need to remind you: this is Jezebel. And the teacher in question was a woman.
“This is the problem with police mentality. They didn’t become cops to “serve and protect.” They became cops so that they could have power over other people”
...And in other news, some dude goes around trying to blow people up.
A circa summer of 2001 Mariah tour, featuring Corey’s Angels, would be the greatest thing ever.
Aaaannd cue the masturbatory premptive commentary on racists.
Aaron Rodgers looked ..different.
Focus your gaze at my butthole.
I went last summer....blazing sun. Took my shirt off. The reaction was like I was some maniac who wondered off the Red Line from the South Side....
70's, 80's...early 90's, you’d be 100% right.
Yeah, this guy has no idea what he’s talking about.
How dare an issue be complex enough to garner multiple layers!
Sorry, but a random French (male) comedian, directing that joke towards Melissa McCarthy or Amy Schumer would be FAR from “punching down”. Nevertheless, the outrage would persist.
OH GOD, FUCK yeah lol.
That’s a really eloquent way of saying he’s dumb as shit. And as of now, guilty of that & that alone.
Lol I never said he was Mozart or John Bonham..
It’s him.