Carlos the Dwarf

I agree, except for the caveat: these teams aren’t even playing this week. To have multiple wideouts, commenting a DB they’re not even facing (this week)? Maybe it’s NY media driven, but the wideouts could have deflected questions by steering the convo towards this week’s foe.

All that matters is Ms. Teigen wasn’t adequately offended!!

👌 right, cuz he was just banging away like Animal from The Muppets (or Beiber) on all four instruments.

Yeah but to play each one well, solo, and in front of an entire football stadium?

I had to watch Kod Rock open for an act I won’t mention (I took my Mom for her birthday).

Can’t wait for the conundrum that will be the Salon comment section, when the Conservative Muslim v LBGT Community battle-royale REALLY kicks off.

Omg...that looks effin’ good

Yeah likewise, I can’t help but reserve joy from Colin “winning”.

suggests to me that none of these people really know what they’re trying to say, nor do they really understand what does Colin Kaepernick...

Yeah, 12:45 mark....45 yrd TD scramble.

Well at this point the only people that seem concerned are hyper-conservatives (who are clueless) and hyper-liberals. The latter of whom are chomping at the bit, yearning for the prior to mouth off on the topic.

Erik Kramer

I remember the prior not understanding the logic of staying in bounds to kill the clock.

Are 100% this wasn’t Shia LaBeouf in full-makeup?? Acting out/performing some nouveau art stunt?...

Yeah, this is very dumb. Each had their right to do what they did. But now we have two groups bickering over something which completely distracts from the (actual) issue.

Yeah, unfortunately this isn’t as fleshed out as the the IBC. If the desire was to bring attention, well I guess mission accomplished.

Sooo....basically the NBA?

Where the Fuck was Gary???

You’re looking at this all wrong. OBJ not only lives an amazing life, he lives one where Lena doesn’t even register. This guy really does have it all.