There’s a large contigent of Panther fans that don’t like Cam? Or is this some anecdotal sh*t?
Kenny Powers + [Panther growl] = Amazing
As far as the debate on secularism I don’t disagree.
Fair enough. Neither of us are Elephantine. Ergo his interpretation of the photo, & subsequent reasoning for his remarks, remain unknown.
Is it the (male) inventor of the bikini that has burdened thousands of women, or the countless individuals (men & women) who’ve perpetuated how one should look in a bikini that has generated that burden?
I think the remark was a direct result of comparing nuns to the (growing) majority of Muslim women in parts of France & other countries that are starting to favor (through choice or aggressive persuasion) hijab’s & burkini’s.
Good god (no pun intended) this is on point. The last sentence is a little harsh, but the sum is brilliantly poignant.
Yeah, because that’s exactly what I was implying.
I don’t understand who this reminder is for?
I mean, a lot of the athletes are enjoying themselves out there (Mr. Hunter excluded). And people with a similiar fondness for the sport likely garner much joy from watching others garnering joy from playing.
Pffff...I think the 60 yrd bomb on 3rd down, 2 minutes left in the 4th, nullified any & all 1st quarter downgrades.
This isn’t her first attempt to sue. It’s just her previous lawyers have bailed at one point or another throughout the process.
Obvious reference to an item used by early colonial settlers, which created a magnetic field that attracted chickens away from their hiding places: it brought the desired chickens so close... so close..
They must be referencing the colonial version of the chicken magnet...just try to imagine the Colonel w/ a pilgrim hat.
Wait...I think the latter only happens if the prior DOESN’T; and they actually win the whole damn thing.
Ah ..well my discrimination against (most) athletes, or individuals who cover athletes, and their “takes” concerning real issues is unbiased.