Carlos the Dwarf

Agree...I guess I’m not saying nobody. But as much as I’m willing to bet Wade has a better 16/17 than Kobe had a 14/15, I’m equally willing to bet the majority of commentators predicted above average to good rather than sub-par to horrendous for Kobe circa July 14'

My buddy accompanied his brother on a football recruiting trip to Ann Arbor last year. He left with the singular impression that Harbaugh is either insane, or an absolute idiot.


The disparity in talent was greater. No doubt. But the other parameters still lineup. Aging 2 guard, far from his prime, wanting to be compensated for previous endeavors.

I agree. But I’m also torn.

If he wants the money he needs to bail. Sucks but no way Miami gives in after watching the end of Kobe’s career in LA.

Sincere kudos on the apropos screen name.

Conflicting and inconsistent witness accounts led to the acquittals

Hate is a strong word. I realize people overreact unnecessarily. And I realize people make naive decisions from time to time that others find offensive.

The issue is never the donning of the flag. Just its placement on the ground. Or at a minimum the latter is considered far graver to those that mind.

Yeah, cuz apparently no one killed anyone that night.

The truth lies somewhere between this shitheel opinion, and its subsequent (insufferable) sarcastic ribbing.

They’re not sworn enemies. Al-Queda has openly embraced ISIL more than once; ISIL wasn’t receptive though. They’re certainly not friends. But making the claim “sworn enemies” is preposterous. Individuals of each have fought together and switched alliances at one point or another.

I’m sure the thousands of young girls who have been collected as sex slaves share your urge. The thought probably also crossed the minds of the gay men being heaved off 50ft towers as well. All in all in, you’re likely not alone.

*with the stipulation teams have to reach their salary floor

I always wondered what it would look like, one of these premiere WWE guys (at their roid-rage peak) going full ham on a regular Joe. Not anymore.

This is pretty ingenious. Deplorable, but ingenious.

law enforcement and the legal system is practically never on the victim’s side.

All signs point to this asshole being a predator. But damn, “21" and only one case? Can’t blame people for not pursuing legal action; the burden is theirs alone so who are we to judge how they carry it? But doesn’t make it any less infuriating.

Ok. I have to intervene because as I said before there are varying degrees of radicalized religion; including within any one religion.

An attempt to clump ALL of radical Islam under this umbrella that it stems from hateful/desperate people, “with a political and cultural objection to westerners, who have seen the