Carlos the Dwarf

Yeah, pretty certain 1 out of every 2,430 games is rare.

I despise radicalized religion. I’m prior military, and had to endure seeing Westboro Baptist Church protest military funerals because the deaths “were God punishing America due to our excepting of homosexuals”.

Damn...I forgot Katie Nolan was on FS1. What a shame.

Sorry, can’t coprehend what your implying. I did comprehend you inferring I was ludicrous for stating there was Vegas odds on NBA free agent destinations, and LeBron & KD were likely to stay (the prior mostly due to their cake-walk path to the Finals over the 16' thru 18' seasons).

I concur (return to eating bowl of Frosted Flakes at 8pm... in my underwear).

He’s the Justin Bieber of the NBA...pump the brakes a little.

True, but goddamm if those two play motivated defense? They will be fucking nightmare for all backcourts. Again, the motivation has to be there though.

Forgot about that! that was awesome

Eddy Curry w/ the Bulls. With the additional stipulation of not trading Elton Brand for #4; rather keep Brand & grab Chandler at #2.

No one will dispute that.

Highway to the danger fuck zone

Obviously not that lucky.

Obviously not that lucky.

This draft is trash. 2013 bad.

“We made a mistake in permitting the Olympic torch, a symbol of peace and unity, to be exhibited alongside a chained wild animal. This image goes against our beliefs and our we shot it in the f#cking head.”

Hence why as great as a ball-handler/shooter Steph is, there is the argument he’s a shitty PG. Regardless of who’s playing FS__if you can get to the basket do it.

Yeah. Accurately never says convicted, jus charges dropped. Sorry if its upsetting that in today’s cultural zeitgeist individuals such as yourself read any & all indictments as a conviction of guilt; w/o the slightest attempt to verify (I mean here we have someone literally assuming and implying guilt with dropped

He’s not. Lol keep believing Internet commentary blindly... It’ll take you far.