Carlos the Dwarf

This is America!! Smear first, research second!!!

Ayesha is right!!! This shh was rigged, & OJ was framed!!

...but what I didn’t realize was how silky smooth of an offensive player he was.

Pfff — I stand naked in the middle of my local pool, whilst intermittently sticking my tongue out, and I get handcuffed.

“I don’t see anything wrong with the fans fighting,” Igor Lebedev wrote on Twitter. “Quite the opposite, well done lads, keep it up!”

If commentary has taught me anything it’s, “Harlem n*ggas are soft!” this really isn’t a surprise.

(Most) Baseball fights are like watching 50 KG’s stomp around a field.

Yeah, never said that.

Talking about 2016, today. And unless you’re completely uninformed, you’re obviously aware only one affiliation is doing what I described (above) in today’s world.

When Christians were doing despicable shit during the dark ages, there wasn’t a community of people going, “Oh! Well Christians are

7 year veteran U.S. military. Left to pursue a degree. Prior to today I had already done some surface research on the Peshmerga. They routinely take U.S. volunteers to help with their dismantling of ISIL in northern Iraq & Syria. I consider this just another way to help, so felt inclined to mention it. well as the vast amount of different cultures abroad...

That’s literally a quote from my comment...the one you’re making a comment on. I’m not easily offended...but when I am, it’s due to stupidity :)

Alignment with fundamentalist religion of any affiliation is one of the causes folks use as a shield to hate and express it against groups of people. I mentioned that.
True, but also sometimes an affiliation can be the driving force for hate of a particular group. For as many individuals that seek out a particular

True...but most of those things cross paths thousands of times everyday all over the world.

People shouldn’t be suprised...anyone who’s paid any attention to the vile & atrocious treatment being conducted by ISIL against gays in general overseas should know; this is absoLUTELY being lauded over there right now. This sect of radical Islam is the most detestable entity since the SS. Fuck these guys.

Only one affiliation is slaughtering 50 people in a nightclub, throwing innocent people off towers, and mass executing individuals ALL because of their sexuality. Radical Islam (not Islam in its truest sense). So people can pretend religious affiliation isn’t partially to blame, but they’re fucking lying to themselves.

Fuck ISIL why you’re at it....they’re also chucking people off 50ft towers because of their sexuality. Lets not forget who the fucking ghouls are in all this.

Radical Islam is the fucking scourge of the universe. This is fucking ridiculous. 50 fucking people? Needlessly slaughtered? Fuck these guys....making Westboro look like pacifists isn’t an easy task.

Counterpoint: He has always played with a garbage ensemble his entire NBA career. Dude will thrive with actual talent & boogie his way to that gold medal.

My Dad’s been wearing generic UA gym-shoes for years now.

Hulkamania yo...never let it run wild!!!

That’s a fair point. I guess a distinction of the American legal system as opposed to America in-general would be a better description, but unnecessary.
Fact is most American’s prefer not to associated w/ such ridiculous logic. So I guess my subconscious desire to not be clumped in with the Ohio legal system is where