Carlos the Dwarf

says the dope who was wrong about everything....when a dope calls you a moron, it’s like a fucking badge of honor lmao—-

Non-sense...just because there is a propensity of something within a subset doesn’t make it the narrative of the majority.

That’s nonsensical logic; well even though only 30% buy into this, they buy into it a lot- so that probably means most people buy into it?...
No matter how many fucking whack-jobs you come across

Hey Fuck you! (jk) I was having a bad day lol... Geese are trash. But leave my GD parsing skills out of it! I can parse with the best of’m...or not

Thank you

LMAO, htf did you get “other nations don’t have local culture or regional diversity” from what I said? Seriously...

Just because I was pointing out the obvious, that the large size of the U.S. is conducive to having (more) varying degrees of regional distinctions, doesn’t mean that other nations are void of them.


Guess NYC didn’t get the memo (on taking it seriously), considering some middle-aged dude jus cruising the city on a nice day almost t-boned the president...which was only prevented by a single foot patrol officer.

Lol first off as a cyclist everyone’s lucky that this dude was a novice. Cuz that pudgy tapioca attempt to stop the cyclist wouldn’t have stopped any real cyclist. I blame the cops for this—-it’s fucking NYC how hard is it to barricade (either with bodies or wood post) a single strip of street?

“12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have ‘known’ that people would see him as a threat”

Yeah, you guessed right.

Fuck that obviously haven’t lived near pigeons. Your bird categorizing is trash. 😁

He’s got 20-24 months of this “slide past the line” cache.....he’s in for a humble awakening then. Gonna be a sad day (shortly) when Johnny Club has to wait in-line to get in.

What a jerk. the guy who distinguishes an entire thought or opinion’s legitimacy on the abbreviation of a singular word.

Good luck with that.

An individualistic society is just as likely to create an environment that promotes free-thinking, in-turn would allow for individuals to make a decision to interfere not based on norms but rather personal feelings. So although I see your point I feel that opinion is highly debatable.

Fact is the odds of any of these little ones finding themselves in a shelter is beyond miniscule.

Yeah, cuz the U.S. is flooded with African Boerbels. And the clamoring for “cutesy wutesy” Boerbels has driven their breeders with money lust, propelling their desire to push puppies at a rapid pace.

Having traveled extensively abroad as well as a fair amount domestically I’m curious how you’ve come to the conclusion the inability to interfere is “more prominent in America”?

Yeah, pretty amazing. Not to mention the discipline displayed in not beating the living shit out of that snot. Something I would be severely lacking.

I’d fuck that dog’s shit up...garbage-ass dog passing alley’s to Johnny Football in his driveway 👎

Some dirtbags are great players. Some are bums. Comprende??? Had to spell it out Goddamn lol....