Her waist can't be that small. It just isn't fucking possible.
Her waist can't be that small. It just isn't fucking possible.
likely Photoshopped
Damn right!!
First, "Mr. Quizboy" is my dad! (/rimshot)
There are way too many Christian stations. I live in south Texas and drive a truck hauling cattle all over south and east Texas and Louisiana and once you get too far from a city or a decent radio station all I can pick up on FM is Christian stations and Mexican music. And there's a lot of it!
I think I'm older than you, and I would like to tell you to keep the faith. It seems that operating a terrestrial radio station and spin records (yes, records) isn't the thing that kids are flocking to do now like when I was in college, so "more power to you", even though I have no idea what kind of broadcasting…
As a 240Z, I can confirm all of the above statements.
Having owned a 240Z, I can confirm the accuracy of your statement confirming the accuracy of this report.
Having seen a 240 Z, I can confirm the accuracy of this report.
"Look, Jim, we already changed the front grill"
It wasn't even a nice try. That was a bad joke months ago when the recalls were fresh.
Something like 1 in 290,000 cars had the problem, yet GM haters bring it up at every opportunity.
Much like a German stylist, you look bitter
There's a lot of History there.
It's about time these Corvettes get the TLC that they deserve!
Not just a 10 year old SAAB, a 10 year old Trailblazer re-badged as a SAAB.
Jetboat racing. It's like rally racing on water.