We’ll all be watching!
We’ll all be watching!
Alright, I think I have to send him this thing now just for that video. :)
He’s stated that his goal is a jet. “Clear Fans!”
Eagerly awaiting his “Will it start” video for this one lol
He’s a hoot..and who knew there were so many planes languishing in fields and garages. Makes me wish I’d followed through on getting a PPL years ago. Too late now.
I found that channel recently too. It’s pretty great watching someone restore an airplane. There are plenty of channels resurrecting cars, but few for planes.
I just discovered that channel a couple of weeks ago. I love the fact that there’s someone out there trying to revive planes that most people would have considered long dead.
Watching for this to show up in Jimmys World..the Hoovie of the Skies!
Those are called haters
Lol seriously. Travis Pastrana is the friend who is effortlessly more talented and better than you at everything, but doesn’t make you feel bad and is basically just a wholesome guy.
Who? thinks?? this???
The guy jumped out of a plane without a parachute. I think the looseness of his screws is pretty well documented.
So that means Gymkhana 21 - 30 will be Tanner Foust and 31 - 40 will be Keiichi Tsuchiya, 41 - 50 Sébastien Loeb, then ... ?
Lots of people give Block shit, but he’s a big reason why I got more into loving motorsports. Even as a younger kid, my friends and I would stop what we were doing to watch his gymkhana vids, and to this day I still appreciate what he’s brought into the world. Pastrana had my love ever since he did a double-back flip…
I’ll let my therapist know that yes, in fact, someone does love me.
I, I can explain...you see...well, the thing is...what happened is...
Harley Owners: aRe tHeY mAkInG oNe fOr mEn?