Nate Gnau

When a girl is into cars and her boyfriend/husband isn't, it makes me a disappointed panda.

Started my then girlfriend (now wife) or on a simple project. Installing the snorkle on my Disco, it worked or well enough I should say.

If only ISIS would proof read their interpretations of the Quoran as closely... But alas.

I stoppied my 250 Ninja once at 30mph and I thought I was gonna end up on my face. A stoppie at 170? There's going to be a lot of screaming and pooping and none of it is going to be voluntary.

not only did he slow the bike down like that, he still apex'd the shit out of that corner

Except... they didn't. You have to being trying really hard to see the intentional provocation here. Even if "H982 FKL" was intentional, even if that plate hadn't been on the car since 1991 (which it had), it's the most obtuse provocation I've ever seen.

Just cancelled my Holidays to Argentina after these Shambles! No way I was travelling there after betraying my favorite Show! Booked a flight to hong kong instead! .........and.......Argentina lost the war btw...

*throws rocks*

At this point, I assure you it is being done for humor value. Which is what I was doing too. We should be posting that as much as possible.

Some real deep thinkers there.

"He added that the numbers 646 on James May's Lotus could be taken as a reference to the 649 Argentinian casualties."

I fucking hate you guys.

Is it bad my first thought was "Oh, this episode is gonna be good"?

Not to self: Argentinians can't take a joke

I guess it's a good thing that EVITA SUX wasn't available?

My personal favorite of my three year old son's collection...the dogs and bumper stickers in/on the back of this Vista Cruiser. Yes, of COURSE he has a Vista Cruiser in his collection.

Hot Wheels designers have been paying attention to detail since 1968. Jun Imai is a top designer for Mattel. Larry Wood, Howard Reese, Phil Riehlman, Ira Gilford, Mark Jones, Harry Bradley and many more OEM bred and talented designers... through the years these guys know cars and bring that love to the next