Nate Gnau

anything with missiles, bombs, and HE projectiles?

hell, there are stories of Kiowa pilots shooting their M4's from the cockpit at Taliban below.

Maligned? This plane has given me a boner since before I knew what the hell was wrong with my wee-wee. This is the sole job I would apply for if I ever joined the military. Close air support just always seemed like the best way to fly, but still be in the middle of everything and make a direct contribution to the

If I was an ISIS fighter this would be my queue to get the fuck out of Dodge.

How I felt when this popped up on my Facebook feed.

Somebody pinch me! Please, please let this be true! I can hardly contain my excitement with this news.

(and like Rev. Peevler, there is no further response.)

You do realize this story isn't emails I sent, right? It says that in the headline... and the body... and before each email exchange.

This is the bevel drive out of my 63 Ducati Scrambler.

Incredible bike. And possibly the most effective natural selection device ever produced. Many, many bros will meet their demise on this crotch rocket.

An excellent first bike, then.

If you want literbike power in a 600-size/weight package, well, get any current liter bike, that's what they offer. This thing is a mega-power flagship, supercharged 1k.

No question the thought of riding this thing (even on the street) is appealing. But I'm just not willing to plunk down 14K+ for a bike that will probably try to kill me. There's nothing wrong with a little case of the shakes after getting off a supersport bike, but I'd rather not experience it every time I ride...

On the one hand I get what you're saying. I think my next bike might actually be some thumper I can outfit for supermotard duty.

So, Kawasaki had their Wheaties with a large glass of NotFuckingAround.

That is truly disgusting and unnecessary.


I'm pretty sure there was an engine here a second ago.

Fun fact: A few years back Ford Racing actually offered a parts kit to swap a 4.6 DOHC Cobra motor into your Focus.

I know that book well. It was the four-year-old me's first car-porn.