Nathan "Chops" Bailey

A touch of vasaline can turn this into little balls/pellets for firestarters. You can make a few dozen at home and put them in a small watertight container to travel with. Especially usefull in damp conditions.

Using dryer lint as a firestarter. The reason you’re supposed to clean your lint-trap is because this stuff is CRAZY flammable, so might as well put that to good use! A handful of this stuff and a few sparks from a firesteel and you’ve got a windproof firestarter.

Generalizing AND inaccurate.

Love it! Let's be offended by EVERYTHING!

This is an interesting project that I have mixed feelings about. It'll be heavy; probably a hundred or two hundred pounds. So, make sure the penalty (extra gas, faster wear on brakes and tires) is worth it to you.

Dips and Pull-ups are by far the best body weight exercises for anyone looking to improve upper-body strength and size. The many variations of pull-ups allow you to hit almost any of the muscles in the back and arms. Dips provide a stretch/ROM that is hard to replicate in another exercise and provide another way to

In your terrible opinion.