Nathan "Chops" Bailey

Are we sure these power ratings aren’t calculated by the joules of energy spent by nerds arguing about each weapon on the internet?

God damn. I’m running out of different ways to preemptively surrender to our robot overlords.

So, is snake oil saturated or unsaturated?

Did we seriously just come up with a clever term for the revolutionary idea of...treating people the way they want to be treated, and then imply that it will make us...”ooze charisma”?

I’d be really interested to see how it handled when driven in reverse, given how unstable the rear-wheel steering makes it when going forward.

The 21st century chastity belt.

Holy Lord, that thing can lean like, a whole 10 degrees.


Man, good job creating bodybuilding strawmen and then trying to make that relevant to a conversation about creatine so you can bring up your totally unrelated recipe for success.

Just have Jim Gaffigan do his scenes. Problem solved!

Coming in 2020: introducing NASCAR to making turns in more than one direction.

Check the math on returm on investment on regular old roof mounted pv cells, man. That sidewalk will literally never pay for itself.

My point being that donating to put solar cells in basically the worst possible place to put solar cells, while there are available places that are, in fact, really really good places, is basically insane. It's literally the best real world example of the term "stepping over dollars to pick up dimes". Even on

Short-sighted is putting solar panels under the road when there's still a billion rooftops available.

I'd rather fund something that actually works, like the dozens of places that are already perfectly suitable for covering with regular solar panels that already exist and don't have the super major disadvantage of having trucks driving on it all the time.

OOORRR we can put money toward ideas that still sound feasible after 5 minutes of critical thought.

Or, call me crazy, you can have driveway *canopies* that do exactly the same thing without having to invent an unnecessarily complex solar panel that's also a load bearing structure that you can drive on.

We already have solar technology that can be used for car park canopies, roof tops, and building facades. It's called "the regular solar cells we've been refining for decades". They haven't actually invented anything, they're just combining a bunch of existing technology into a prohibitively expensive solar panel

On the other hand, a Zach Braff movie will make back its investment money.