Lots of people buy stuff in bulk. Economies of scale work for bullets too. And recreational shooters can easily unload a few hundred rounds in a days worth of shooting in the Arizona dessert.
Lots of people buy stuff in bulk. Economies of scale work for bullets too. And recreational shooters can easily unload a few hundred rounds in a days worth of shooting in the Arizona dessert.
Any tips from more experienced Monster Hunters? This is my first try at the series, but I’m having a really tough time getting into it. The game looks great, but the combat seems so unsatisfying. Attacks are so slow and depending on what button you press you may leap clear over your quarry or swing where it had been 5…
Can I sub the n-word for “ninja” and be okay when I’m singing along?
Here’s a complaint that’s easy to understand! It’s a movie who’s star and majority cast is white in a story both written and set in Japan.
Hip hop used to settle rap feuds with battles. If the next generation won’t stand in the cypher then they will lose by default. Put up or shut up with your bars.
To anyone sleeping on Almond Milk: don’t. Drink that shit. It’s real good.
Dumb take. You can buy a car in a different state, and then you’d pay taxes for YOUR state, not the dealer’s state. Also some buyers are tax exempt and it wouldn’t be part of the cost. Or I could point out that literally every other thing advertised for sale does not include sales tax on the price.
He worked there for 20 years and was responsible for training recruits. I’m sure there was no way to know sooner that he was a monster.
I wonder how her review went for that free plastic surgery. Her face is fucked up.
Right now .08 is the cutoff but double the limit at .16 is considered “aggravated” drunk driving. Now double the legal limit is only .10 so now more offenders will fall into the higher category of crime with, you guessed it, bigger fines. It’s all about making money.
SRT Durango
What specifically is your issue with drone bombings? If the munitions get shot from an airplane are they somehow better? Do you just see it as unsporting?
How do you think they launder their money duh.
You can also aerate the wine by pouring it into your mouth and gargling for a good 30 seconds. Also it lets people know you are sophisticated and know your wine stuff.
Anyone who claims they don’t know has been standing around with fingers in ears going LALALALA for their whole lives.
Are white people there? Yes
Point Aryan Guard
I heard in episode one Roseanne’s black nephew from Philadelphia moves in after having a run in with trouble back in the city, so that should add an interesting dynamic to the show.
Just the tip?