
I think you probably still could (according to the article) as long as you state clearly in the description that you cannot *guarantee* that it will produce the desired effect.

This is the greatest idea in the history of ideas, bar none! CAFTAN BRUNCHES FOR ALL! This is going to be the theme for my very merry unbirthday. Yes, I am throwing myself an unbirthday party just so I can have a caftan brunch.

I do burlesqur, and i wear a corset for a couple of hours during dance lessons, and it can be painful, especially if you'de wearing a corset with steel boning. It, in effect, pushes your ribs inward and forces your internal organs to cobform with the constricted preportions you have. That means you can't breath

This legitimately terrified me. I'm so glad your family is safe. I live with one female roommate in a townhouse complex in a pretty decent neighbourhood (extremely low crime, lower-middle income families, lots of elementary schools), but I know, should there be a break in like this, I'd be the Honourary Dude (and I

When Gloria Steinem tells you to do something, you do it!

My roomie and I have named all of the neighbourhood cats, regardless of their actual names (which we don't know...) This far, we have: Sergeant Pepper, Mr Fuzzyboots, Lady Grey, and Sir Snugglesalot.

angus annoys me, but rupert I find adorable beyond words. If Claire's got Jaime, I got dibs on Rupert.

I need to watch Little Dorrit, don't I?

When I went shopping for my last mattress my sister-in-law came with me and helped me test them out. Her idea of "testing' ended up being her pantomiming sex from various positions and making hilarious noises. However - I ended up with possibly the most comfortable mattress for sex (and also sleeping!) I have ever

Sir, I think you need to prepare yourself for *all* the dates, because it seems like the Jezzies are super into your tropical fish, your cute dog, and your witty cool-guy self.

I never thought I'd say this, but I think I'm totally into joining a cult...DAMN PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES AND THEIR INEFFABLE POWER OVER WHITE GIRLS IN YOGA PANTS!!! *shakes fist at the heavens*

Okra is the greatest! Its my favourite vegetable. Also, isn't it used a lot in African and Indian dishes?

This was my EX! And like, elaborate excuses that made me be all "Is he practicing his long-con game on me before he decides to grift professionally? Is this all some grand scheme to see how much he can get away with?!"

Yeaaaaaah, definitely a HORRIBLE PERSON. And you sent flowers! I have literally never in my life received flowers from a boyfriend/guy I was seeing, so this to me, is just really upsetting! After a year, at least have the heart to say goodbye! Give a reason so they can get some damn closure!

It sounds like you dodged

To be fair, a lot of women I know, myself included, have done the text-fade. Sometimes its just because there was no chemistry, or I thought perhaps some might grow, and it didn't, and there was so little investment (on both sides) of the relationship anyways that you just let it die a natural death, without the big

I haven't seen anyone about it in years, and I don't actually have a family doctor at the moment (there is a shortage of docs taking patients in the city, and I've moved a few times, so it always seems kind of pointless when I'm rarely sick).

Does your BF happen to have a cute brother with a beard he wants to send my way?

I get PMS which results in these huge and ungainly mood swings and ALL of the emotions - like I gain 50lbs in FEEEEEELINGS, and never quite know the reason why until my period finally comes (I'm horribly, horribly irregular. I can go three months without one period and then suddenly, in one month, I'll get three. I

This I think is genuine - things like this, I think have a different feeling to them - like you said, there was no weirdness, no hovering or leering, just a genuine surprise and nice sort of "hey, she'd probably like to hear that!" not "Hey, she'd probably chat with me if I tell her how pretty she is!" He did it in

To me, there are 2 reasons why it's uncomfortable, and they compound each other. Negotiating your reaction in that scenario is important is because it's a lead - it starts as a simple compliment from a middle-aged dude in the grocery store, but, as most women know, depending on your reaction, it could lead into a much