
Your overlooking the obvious culprit. Aliens

I like it it looks like a modern 928

My wife and I have whole conversations in catch phrases. Do ya think you could? Do you think you can bench press a new scion tc!?

For $100 an hour what a deal! I wonder if the tetnis and getting raped come free with the package

Looks almost identical to my suzuki gs500.

Fun fact killer mike is the voice of taquel in Frisky Dingo. If your a really neat kind of person you know what Frisky Dingo is. Run those mutha fluffing jewels

Not one asian driver joke? Is the internet getting less rascist?

Man wish i wouldve seen this earlier. Im a craigslist pro, so naturally my bad vehicle desicions could fill a medium sized novel. Heres a fraction.

When did jalopnik turn into “words about youtube you’ve already watched”?

But do they keep spinning when you come to a stop? As we all know thats most class

Is there something in the water in texas? 90% of the most WTFiest seem to be from the heartland

Holy shit I texted this guy when i saw it on clist, not to buy it but just to say good job on being an epic human

Nice price. Becuase racecar. Haters

I just saw a guy at autozone with a bluetooth still in his ear. "Douchbag" was my knee jerk reaction.

Sounds like somebody has a corvette in the garage

Nice price, and its near me i saw this add a few days ago. Im on my third fc and just pulled the wankel (still running at 140,000 mi sold it to someone restoring one) in favor of a lexus v8. That vert is extra clean, the lt1 a little meh but not bad, and try finding a t56 for less than 1,500 good luck. Its turn key

Anyone read the description on youtube? I was just trying to deliver calzones yo

Whoa that works so well for some reason

As a dad hearing the panic in that boys voice is heart wrenching. I read the whole article before watching to find out if they safe before watching, watching people get burnt up is not my prefered way to start the day

After watching a brand new company box truck i was driving burn to the ground in under ten minutes due to a wiring fault i now carry an extinguisher in my dd, all off road toys, one on every level of my home and in my garage. I never fully respected fire before that.