I wonder if he shot it in the dimebag
I wonder if he shot it in the dimebag
Spit on it itll go in
I just bought one of those for my wife.
And his penis?
If you cant read a book you cant read a sticker.
So dont get the super hot teenage daughter and smoke show wife stickers unless you put guard dog and laser home defense stickers on also
Not as depressing as the baby with horns and pitchfork
Oh cute a car mustac..... oh. Oh my
Id hit that
Im going to buy this car so i can recreate that scene. So amazing
My house is a lake house in michigan but sadly i dont have model t
Some people buy used underwear on ebay (*ahem not I certainly ) ebay is a magical place where idiots can be rid of pesky monies. I say let them have thier ill advised and totally life threatining cake and eat it too.
Hold my mutalated genitals
Talk about spank bank!
The future damn sure better have stove pipe hats or Im out
2 million miles....... and 14 engine swaps and 20 transmissions
Is.... is that english?
WHAT?!?!!?! Just when I thought caminoes couldnt possibly be ANY cooler and here they are! I like to imagine the flames of the diablo are actually a mullet flapping in the wind
Try to stay with me here its pretty advanced stuff.