Natalie Voldemort

I wouldn't say smart, but so ridiculous that they're funny. At least to me…but that's about it. This has been the worst season in my opinion.

By "she", I mean Roberts.

I don't think it's appropriate to call someone in an abusive relationship "a punching bag". Would you have said something like that about Rihanna? THAT is why she got off. Because people treat female abuse victims more seriously than male abuse victims…which is fucked up because even female abuse victims get treated

Not cool. There's a possibility that he's in an actually abusive relationship, you know.

Two words: Pat McCrory.

Another North Carolinian piping in here! I was so confused as to why it's not actually on Roanoke Island. And the trees are all wrong… sucks that Pat McCrory fucked over our film/TV industry so they couldn't film here. Oh…and HB2 is keeping a lot of cool shit away too. x_x (TL;DR This doesn't look like NC coastal

I just feel that if she's going to give it such high grades to couple a review like this, she should follow in Todd's footsteps and explain why the grades are what they are in some kind of an amusing way. It's just off-putting to me, especially when this is up there with one of the worst AHS episodes I've ever

I'd usually not reply to something posted 8 months ago, but because of your username, I decided I could get a pass.

Meh…this still won't get me to watch season five, even if Wes Bentley was pretty sexy in Freak Show. The back of his head was ridiculous and I wanted his number.

I read this in "South Park" Al Gore's voice, but replaced your "serious" with "cereal".

Seal guy. But still…haha.

I feel like everyone else loathes Coven on here—-and it WAS bad, but I was almost never bored watching.

I will watch only if it stars Angela Bassett, Mat Fraser, Lily Rabe and has Finn Wittrock as a creepy side character.

YES. I mean, he could've gotten in another kill or two, but not almost all of them. That's another thing that made this massacre less poignant than the school shooting in season 1.

I suppose…but it still lacked that punch for me. As much as Murder House failed as a season, it had powerful moments. That school shooting scene still makes me shudder just to think about it. When watching it the first time, I could barely breathe and had nightmares. This? It was so /meh/. I kept wondering why in hell

Ehehehe…I was thinking the same thing about the coffee commercial writer-attack. Maybe Murphy & Friends are becoming self-aware?

Off-topic, but Todd, I adore your reviews. I'm late to the party, but reading through your AHS reviews of seasons 1-3 is a wonderfully wild ride. :)

YES. And it wasn't nearly as powerful. Because all I could think was "REALLY?! You lazy asses…"

YES 1000 TIMES TO THE GUN THING. Are you seriously telling me NO ONE had a firearm? IT'S MURICA.

I'm sorry, but I really have to disagree with this review. While the episode had some great moments, it all felt….cheap…to me. As much as I loved Dandy, I thought the massacre scene was a cheap imitation of the far more powerful/terrifying school shooting scene in season 1….it was also a reflection of how lazy the