Natalie Voldemort

They're just gonna be lazy and nominate Lange and Bates again. Maybe Paulson. I doubt most of the judges watch every episode and Dandy didn't really get super compelling to me until…episode 5? Most of his bits, while amusing, seemed really cheesy to me. That scene with him and Gloria at the end of Bullseye was

I'm glad I wasn't the only one wondering about that! Seriously…did Jimmy just hide under the house and cry for a few minutes or something?

Also…that scene, while amazing, really would've benefited from her giving him a proper piece of her mind like her mother did. "Bitch, if you think I could fit in that bath with you, you're crazier than I thought." *hits him with a mallet and runs to the police…who still won't help her, but…*

I think I'd be more laughing at Dandy's deluded, naked ass trying to fit her in the tub with him. I'm pretty sure Sidibe/Regina knows that she wouldn't be able to fit in that tub with a grown man. I'm pretty sure it'd be just as funny if he tried to get someone like Dell or Amazon Eve in there with him too…if either

Very good point. I didn't think of that, actually. But I still think police force would try their best not to piss off a rich, powerful (white) family by bringing in the entire police force in and bursting through the front door just because a black woman claimed (without any evidence) that Dandy was 'bathing in

I feel the exact same way. He's so…icky…this season. Which would be fine if he were actually interesting. Evan Peters needed a break from being the 'sexy one'. But it's like you said…boring, repetitive, and gross. Not a good combo.

Someone had to say it.

Yeah, I didn't really mind that part quite as much (even though, to me, it was gross—-but not the worst thing he could do). I minded that part at the beginning where he's feeding her up. THAT was disgusting. Not that fat people don't need to eat too, but they're obviously feeding her to death.

Easy to forget with the Lana Del Ray, Fiona Apple, and Nirvana numbers. I feel you.

How did I forget about that?! Bless you.

You're entirely right about everything else, but I think the part with the police was plausible. Unfortunately, at that time, the police would be less likely to take a black woman seriously—particularly a black woman accusing the richest white man in town. I doubt they'd send out multiple police cars for a hearsay

The truth hurts so much.

I'm a gay woman and I agree with this statement.

Paul and Amazon Eve's faces were priceless, though. Because really…that WAS disgusting. "Let's feed this morbidly obese woman to death because it's sexayyy." -_-

Admittedly, I misted up a bit at Bette and Dot's scene together, even though it was total bull and didn't make sense.

I said that too! High five!

So glad to find fellow Frank lovers! Fassbender really deserves a nomination at the Oscars, but he probably won't get it.

Yay! Michael Fassbender for "Frank"! I know he won't get a nomination for the Oscars, but DAMN he was amazing in that movie.

Sameee. I feel like I'm the only one that thought he was too over-the-top/generalized psycho at first. But yeah. Dat monologue.