Bill Murray walked in front of me once coming back from the bathroom at a Jenny Lewis concert in Charleston AMA
Bill Murray walked in front of me once coming back from the bathroom at a Jenny Lewis concert in Charleston AMA
Life support is a very complex system that has specific expectations in terms of oxygen content, humidity, water cycles, heat, etc. Adding a bunch of biomass, off the top of my head, would increase humidity, oxygen, and heat, while having huge demands in terms of energy and water. Presumably the water cycling systems…
My ex has a Bill Murray story, which is rather mundane, which makes it all the more believable.
My ex was leaving his law office and about to go to lunch (this is in Tampa, Florida). As he’s walking to a nearby restaurant, a stretch limousine pulls up beside him, and just creeps for a few seconds, before the rear…
Chrissy Teigen’s story is hilarious if it is true, and even more hilarious if she made it up.
I was debating between Passengers and Assassin’s Creed (which I hear is also terrible) but I think I might just pick two hours of torture watching beautiful Michael Fassbender kill people than this pile of garbage. Thank you for the spoilers!!!
the Zionist World Government lives beneath his bed, cheerily biding our time.
I like that but I think I prefer Oompalini
If it drives Musseloompa around the bend, he has earned very penny.
Women who are sick or in pain from being pregnant should just suck it up and be thankful that they are doing the thing they were built to do in this world. In particular, don’t mention any of the discomfort to anyone because it makes people feel uncomfortable to think about vaginas. If a woman has morning sickness,…
Real life can’t explain what happened to Sean Young’s character...which is sad...because when she broke out in the 80s...I LOVED HER!!! She had “IT” long...must I STAY IN THE GRAYS!!!!
Her father called to her from outside the hut to no avail. Then, he told the Nepalese newspaper, My Republica, “We saw her dead body.”
San Francisco is awesome and will be fun regardless of whether or not he’s great. Do it!
I really had the nicest day. Bought a Christmas tree at the farmers market and the fixings for homemade soupe aux pois, with artisanal cheese, bread and saucisson. Made a gingerbread house with the kids and listened to holiday music.
Or, it could be interesting if the film turns into a horror revenge flick halfway through with an increasingly unhinged JLaw chasing Pratt through the ship. And then JLaw kills Pratt horribly, calms down, and starts looking for a man (or woman, no judgement) of her own to wake up.
I have sniffed haughtily at the Indianapolis Star for the last several years for daring to charge me for what I can get online at no cost. I was wrong to do so. This entire series has been world class investigative journalism. Well done
it’s not racist to say it, it’s just how it is among those communities
And if Michelle Obama had refused to live in the White House like Princess Melania is doing, the world would have exploded in 2008.
hooooooolyyyyyyy shit.
This family is disgusting and representative of everything wrong with our legal system. If these people lived in Compton, Brooklyn, or Newark, they would all be in jail, with the kid not getting out until he was stooped and gray.
Free bootstraps!? Get back under Stalin’s moustache, you pinko scum!