I don't like Amber Rose. I just don't really give a shit. I don't want to give her any credit. For anything. Except maybe for that torso. If I wanted one like that. Which I don't. Because that would give credit to Amber Rose. And her perfect torso.
I don't like Amber Rose. I just don't really give a shit. I don't want to give her any credit. For anything. Except maybe for that torso. If I wanted one like that. Which I don't. Because that would give credit to Amber Rose. And her perfect torso.
So...1. I have finally come to terms with my bisexuality and 2. I would undoubtedly date a girl who looks like Amber Rose.
Odd that nobody responded to this, and nobody has recommended.
I really, really want to love the shit out of Amy Schumer but I can't get over the fact that she probably sexually assaulted a guy.
Pinche gabachos. 😑
"Cholo" is a pejorative term, an ethnic slur. Similar to other racist names, Latinos took to using it amongst themselves to reduce the "power" of the insult. As a Mexi-American, Tisci making that comment is offensive.
Burt's Bees has been my go to. There is one part of my lip that cracks and breaks during dry or really cold weather. The crack looks like I've been punch in the lip (and it does bleed if it gets too dry). Started using Burt's and haven't had it happen for an entire year.
Burt's Bees has been my go to. There is one part of my lip that cracks and breaks during dry or really cold weather.…
These customers remind me of the dumbest person I ever had walk through the doors of the Borders I managed after college.
Say what you want about the man's politics, but damn does he do one hell of a job engaging people and people's minds when he speaks.
That's the issue, though. We don't know their innermost selves and they don't really, truly know the innermost portions of one another, only what they reveal to one another directly and indirectly.
BoyHeathen and I buy meat there all the time. They offer chicken in "freezer packs" Breasts, thighs, and some other cut in 24 packs, broken down into six separatable four packs. They are bossss for planning meals, and easy to stash in the freezer. and buying huge cuts of meat and then taking half an hour at home to…
We need an aggressive media campaign that makes them look like the angry, pathetic losers they are, and then some. Something to counter their "come join ISIS, we're so cool! we're the face of islam now!" recruiting bullshit.
I've always viewed archaeologic sites and relics as the closest things we have to a time machine, and they're BREAKING it. Forever.
Jealousy/insecurities are basically the societal constructs I was referring to. In some cases those will be too strong to be worked through/dealt with, and in that case an open relationship or a poly relationship is a seriously terrible idea.
My inner archaeologist despises this SO MUCH. Obviously terror organizations are evil fuckers. But WHY do they have to touch these creations of humanity's ancestors? I get that their crazy ideology makes them hate people, but why historic objects? GET AWAY FROM MY LOVE OF HISTORY. asdhfjaslfasdfj.
This was a great interview, thank you so much for this.
I am poly/into open relationships (they're not the same thing) and some of my friends are too. I absolutely don't believe in monogamy. I believe it works in some specific cases, but I believe most relationships would be better if they were non-monogamous to some…