Je suis Natalia

Ooooooooo I can’t wait for The Knick to come back!!!

Yes. Ashley Judd can kill him now.

  1. Medical professionals are always the first choice and best step to take to talk to about potential illnesses and screening for them.

Man, I could really go off and successfully rebut your rude statement, but I’m gonna just leave this here instead.

I’m really curious about what worries led her to ask her mom to get checked. Not that I want to pry into Tay’s private life, but it’d be nice to hear what to look for in our own families.

I have THE BEST BATHTUB in the world. It’s an antique iron, claw foot tub. When you fill it up with hot, hot water, the whole thing just radiates perfection. That bathtub is my refuge. That bathtub is my Fortress of Solitude. That bathtub makes awful days into cathartic tub cries.

Worst place I ever got sick was camping in the Sierra Mountains with my family. After a week of camping, on our last night, I was struck with a really nasty stomach bug. We had spent the afternoon drinking margaritas, so when the first wave of nausea hit, I thought it was the tequila. But no. How I wish it had been

(I am writing this on behalf of my dog).

Oh man, I don’t know if I’m going to be able to read this pissing contest or not. One of my worst fears is getting incredibly sick in a place where it would be super embarrassing. So far I’ve only ever been sick at home, or I’ve been able to make it home, but it’s bound to happen someday.

I’m also really scared I’m


I empathize strongly with the childless by choice, because I've been so badly treated for having an only. Among the comments I used to receive when our kid was younger:

As long as both parties are cool with it, I see no problem.

I like these. They show the bulge without being #eggplantfriday. Or at least, they do on this particular male model.

But you're weird in an awesome way so it's okay! I don't know what it is about it that I like, I just really love the smell.

And if I ever get doxxed people knowing that I like the smell of period blood is going to be the least of my problems, since I have the tendency to overshare on here/on GT. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So would it be cheating for me to post the mimic troll's "I'm doing it for you! I'm here to start a revolution! I'm the hero Kinja needs and deserves!" bullshit?

I once called in to work because my sweater was covered in human excrement. My boss called bullshit.

She was very surprised when I showed up and - lo! - the San Francisco MUNI and its delightful population of crazies had, in fact, throw feces at me that morning.

(She gave me an hour off to go home and change, but made

"I can't go out - I tore both of my Achilles tendons."
- said by a person who definitely walked to breakfast with me the next morning

In high school one of the guys in my health class showed up about five minutes late for class. When he arrived the teacher asked why he was late. He replied "I saw two girls making out and I HAD to watch them."

Real conversation from about 4 years ago, between me and my husband who was supposed to have quit smoking: