The trick is subtlety, Friend. Pearl digging can be 'SEXY' when you make it look like you are flipping/letting down your hair. Wink when you 'flick'. #protip
The trick is subtlety, Friend. Pearl digging can be 'SEXY' when you make it look like you are flipping/letting down your hair. Wink when you 'flick'. #protip
solitary elevator rides are for adjusting your boobs
One of my cats melts like jello in a sack on a hot day when you hold him. When I'm alone, I dance with him because he lets me. He purrs like crazy and oozes about in my arms while the other pets look on like we're both nuts, but this cat is the perfect dance partner. He never minds if I miss the steps, and he's…
I say really sarcastic things to commercials. Out loud. Like full out mocking them. And then I laugh, because I'm hilarious. It's really tragic.
I fart with wild abandon and laugh at the noises. I fart as I high kick. I fart while plié-ing. If I'm laying down, I stick my butt high up in the air and fart. I'll fart when I'm far enough into the relationship, but not with the same gusto.
"Get out of my fucking face"
I had to go dark on a guy because of behaviour like this.. Like... not answer calls, not answer texts, remove from facebook and even avoid certain places for awhile. He eventually fucked off
A lot of Catholics believe (incorrectly) that Plan B is an abortifacient, so it makes sense they wouldn't want to hang it out.
It may sound dickish but in a traditional (and I do mean really traditional) african cultural setting, any money (or whatever inputs) used to court a woman are quantified. So should things go wrong, you can go back and say, for example, I built her a hut and fed her for a year, so that can be translated into 20 goats…
The dowry I can see because that's a large chunk of money and is pretty recent. It's also supposed to be for the marriage, which was almost immediately dissolved.
to his credit Ali is totally willing to grant his new wife a divorce, provided she pay back her dowry and all the money he spent on her during the courtship
When he came, we had sex