Je suis Natalia

Princess buttercup? Is this her nickname around House of Cards fans or your own personal one? Her ruthlessness and cold calculating ways are a turn on, I have to admit. Also she looks so regal and cool when she walks. I hope to God I can look somewhat like her when I reach that age, she looks amazing.

You know who recently made me come to terms with my bisexuality? Robin Wright, from House of Cards. She. Is. Hot. I like older men, but now I know I dig on older women as well, she gets me hot and bothered.

That is some fucked up shit. Seriously, that is not funny, she raped a guy. It's like the end of the article says, if the roles had been reversed, this guy would've been ripped apart, but people think it's funny when a woman does it because a guy can't get raped.

I honestly don't know anything about this! Is there a video or interview where she talks about this?

It definitely takes a huge weight off their shoulders not having to explain this to children, but on the other hand, she does this in a discreet, subtle way. It be hard for children to realize what's going on between their parents unless they outright told them what's going on.

I almost made it throughout the whole song without crying, but then John Legend had to give it all he had and I lost it, I just lost it. Fuck all you haters, I love me some John Legend and Sam Smith.

I can agree with that. But I mean, you can see why she's trying to justify, to defend herself. Polygamy, open relationships are not that common, they're taboo and in fact are... Frowned upon by many traditionalists. Her tone is straight away defensive because she knows people are going to judge her, they're going to

Indeed, and I've addressed this on my past posts. But as I've said before, this interview lacks the husband's perspective, his views, how he feels.

You sound mad, did someone shit in your food this morning?

I think we can both agree that this interview would've been much better if the husband would've been involved in it as well. I can only say in Amy's defense that she says her husband is seeing a sex worker who helps him. If she was this... Evil, manipulative woman who bullied her husband into it she wouldn't be too

I explained that I wasn't in love with anyone else, and that I knew this was a Band-Aid for the sex issues he and I were having, but it was working for me for now. I asked him if he wanted a divorce and he said no. He asked me if I wanted a divorce and I said no, too. There were some tears, but we basically came to

I completely agree with everything you have said, and I didn't mean to imply that monogamy is a fail safe against jealousy and insecurity. I just prefer to think that monogamy is a bit less complicated than an open relationship, but it can be done with the right tools and effort on both parts, it's just not for me.

And sir or miss, good for you, no snark, honestly. You keep doing you and like my dad used to say, do whatever you want, just be ready to accept the good or bad consequences that come with your actions. And I tip my hat to the married couple for trusting each other and having that level of communication. Bonne chance!

I don't presume to judge other people's actions or words, especially a complete stranger's. I can't begin to imagine the complicated power dynamics this couple has in their relationship, but what I do know is that we can't say she doesn't love him, because there are so many different variations of love, either right

Yeah, and you're more than in your right to believe whatever you want, but don't say that an ancient civilization, an ancient city holds no value, that it's just old rocks, because it's not. Its the foundation for an entire country, like Iraq.

Why, thank you. It's not the lack of empathy that bothers me, it's the lack of knowledge on how valuable history is that gets to me.

Depending on his health, because it fluctuates, my role as caretaker can be very involved (helping him get to the restroom, managing meds, taking him to/from doctors appointments) or just normal cooking and sharing of household chores.

Just because they hold no value to you because you're not part of that culture, or simply because you didn't know they existed, doesn't mean they don't have value to someone else. These are priceless artifacts, 2,000 years old . They tell an ancient story of the earth, of our times as human beings. You're right,

Dude, don't get me started on this, I feel the exact same way. I threw a shit storm when ISIS destroyed Nimrud. It's pathetic that they think they're so fucking tough destroying priceless artifacts, destroying pieces of history.

I, on the other hand, I'm all for monogamy, I don't believe open relationships can work because of jealousy, insecurities which are fair common human emotions. But this article has really made me reconsider if they can work, as long as both people know what's going on, be honest with each other and realistic. This