
The writer for this episode was 1000% not a millennial - and actual millennial writers (decent ones at any rate) or anyone targeting a 'millennial audience' would not make those kind of tired 'anti-PC' jokes.

Everyone has a point in their life before they learn a thing. The word 'hello' is common knowledge and yet small children still have to learn it. There is nothing in this world that is so 'common knowledge' that all people of all ages know it… except maybe how to breathe!

Or, in other words: "I didn't actually watch the nice video where Nancy Cartwright asks the boy all about himself and why he's selling candy bars and what prize he'll get and then buys a ton of bars to help him out, and also does the voice of her most famous character because it's fun. She's famous, so I bet it's just

Damn Ms Pacman! Being in the UK the roundabouts are messing me up!

Ah, Bojack. I love it, but they're going to have to allow that horse to make *some* progress towards happiness and a better life at some point. At the end of every season they introduce hope, and then the next one begins and almost immediately they crush it. The show is brilliant but you can't keep running the same

They're exploring how there's as many ways to grow old as there are people doing the ageing - I love it!

I really love that the show made Sol the one who loves his work and was reluctant to retire. With him being in the more 'hippie' mould and Robert the more traditional buttoned up lawyer type, the expected route would be Robert defining himself by his work and wanting to stay and Sol embracing life at home. It's nice

I loved that too!

Yep - or Frankie's sons, or Jacob, or anyone who's not a violent intruder, really. There's a reason that a gun owner is statistically far more likely to shoot a family member than an intruder. Guns may make people *feel* safer, but in reality they make life far more dangerous. They even increase suicide risk, since

Which normally is *incredibly* irritating - but in this case I think can be forgiven, given the likely dearth of capable 90+ actresses.

Agreed… except from the little I can see from the photos his art isn't actually 'shitty' - as the OP said, maybe a little like a first year art student, in that 'I'm so edgy and different' way, but at least the first one is probably better than I can do (I can write, but drawing… my scribbles look like a terribly

There were some soft eyes from Kara… but yeah, if the existence of chemistry/romantic attraction could be considered 'canon' I'd say currently it's on Lena's part, and is unrequited… which doesn't mean it couldn't theoretically be requited at some point, because we've had Mon-El exposit that Daxam's sexual policy was

I wish they'd fuelled Mon-El's reaction to Kara's situation with fear, not jealousy. Ultimately, Mxy is one of the few beings in existence that is a real and genuine threat to Kara Zor-El, a creature who could abduct her, even kill her; who could force her to do anything he wants (bar prevent her from killing

I didn't until their most recent episode where Lena filled Kara's office with flowers and called her her hero… I mean, I have many female friends I adore, but none I'd drown in flowers even if they did save my life! For the most part flowers are pretty quintessentially romantic.

Technically, based on Mon-El's 'on Daxam it's the more the merrier' comment, it's likely he's bi. Which I would love to see the show get into a little more even if he never actually dates any men… Bi men are like the unicorns of tv - rarest of the rare! I mean, bisexuals in general are also fairly unicorn-esque, but

Doesn't matter much if you believe in them or not, they exist!

In theory, yes. In practice, watching two computer animations with no human facial features try to sell that? It would not have worked *at all*. Humans are programmed to read and feel sympathy for living things, and other human faces especially. That's why sometimes animated humans, when they skew too close to

Also, it's Supergirl's show. I loved Hoechlin, thought he did a brilliant job, but more than a couple of times a season and the show would be 'Superman & Supergirl'. They have the same power set, fill basically the same character niche… it wouldn't be doable without fundamentally changing the show.

I doubt it. Martian Manhunter's thing is that, unlike the Supers and various other 'lasts', he really does seem to be the very last one. Having another Green Martian just show up one day undermines that just a tad.

I don't think that is *the* problem with James so much as one of many, but you are right.