
Ooooh… that *would* be cool. Though with James's current characterisation (as nebulous as that can sometimes be), I have no idea how they'd motivate it.

Me too! It's like I love it on the show, but I'd never read any fanfic of it… and that's probably because the reason I love it on the show is Benoist and Wood!
Chemistry is so important on screen - it's like magic! Can even turn a typical, cliche, stretched out will they/won't they romance into something that

Yep. I was surprised how much I didn't hate it, and that at one point I actually said 'kiss him!'. But I hope this doesn't take too long.
At least there's Sanvers as the antidote to that! Took, what, four episodes from introduction to together? Though what's weird is even though those episodes also involved Alex

Eyes do change colour - in particular, people with lighter eyes like blue or green, or with eyes that express multiple colours, like hazel. I have a friend with hazel eyes that generally skew more to brown, but sometimes when she's upset and tearful (and once I recall because it was so striking and seemed to happen


Eh - for me divorce is only sad when the two participants were originally very well suited for and in love with each other, and then things fell apart for reasons beyond their control.
Otherwise, it's either an amicable parting of ways because the relationship changed, a necessary exit from something toxic that

Probably not… unless their divorce is incredibly amicable, I suppose. I didn't mind his character, but he was only really there to add a bit of extra depth to Cat, and to Cat's relationship with Kara. There's really no need for him now.

True - but I doubt she can have it completely switched off at all times unless she's 'actively' using it, so I could see it accidentally happening.

I didn't know that! Makes a bit more sense then. Still, it's a fun descriptor for a non-flier, and I think I remember Winn saying something like it when telling Mon-El how well he can now jump… it'd be nice if it became one of his 'things' in the show.

I enjoyed that, but yeah - wouldn't have been hard for her to leave him with just the one fighter, who gets snuck up on and incapacitated, and then Winn gets his moment. I get Alex's decision to bring him so they could be as sure as possible of a way back, and I get she was all worried over Kara, but still! He's Winn!

I think those times when it took Kara time to charge were either when she solar flared, and therefore 'blew out' her powers, or when she was injured and worn down. Whereas under a red sun the 'charge' from the yellow is still there, but the powers just don't work. Maybe because their bodies recognise that they'd be

Yeah - seeing him really getting into photographing Kara/Supergirl on her exploits, occasionally throwing a punch when warranted, but generally really into his art? That would be awesome, and a far more interesting and unique character arc.

According to interviews that was more the two actors discussing things and deciding to play it that way. They wanted it to be a whole 'is she playing him, is he playing her? Are they working each other, or is there real attraction/feeling there?' thing
Ultimately, Max has tried to kill (or at least incapacitate)

It would have been a nice chance to explore the difference between a crush, infatuation, and genuine feeling… just taking a bit of time in the episode to process how sometimes you can convince yourself you're in love with someone, only to realise you just really *want* to be would have made a big difference.

Exactly! Even my dad, who's not exactly a connoisseur when it comes to storytelling (many of his favourite shows are ridiculously plotted) mocked that whole thing: 'My camera broke, and my father gave that to me! The trauma! I can only deal with that trauma by heroeing!'

Reportedly, Melissa recently filed for divorce… so I guess no need to worry about her husband!

Nothing wrong with sometimes deploying stereotypes (they exist in real life too, after all), as long as they're used correctly - with the right characters, in the right places, and not the *only* thing to those characters. Just having Snapper show some respect for/pride in Kara, even when he didn't think she could

Nooooo! Too many characters flying means constant excuses as to why they aren't all flying everywhere, and also the more flyers, the bigger the budget strain.

From her reaction, some sort of spirit - since the smell didn't give it away before she sipped, probably a cheap vodka or gin. Which, if I drank unexpectedly, would cause me to make the exact same face.

I would not be surprised if she eventually becomes a DEO agent… and even if that doesn't happen, her 'science division' job could quickly become an easy way for Supergirl to get a 'case of the week' outside of DEO stuff - which is good, because a show that follows the same patterns every episode can get boring.