
That took me a moment - but now I wish I'd thought of it! Haha!

I'd say Murphy's problem is kinda the opposite. He tells a single, character-driven story (and he's absolutely killer at casting). But he can only do maybe twelve episodes worth of material, tell a tight, well-contained story with it, and then has *no idea what to do afterwards*.

Great - a tv creator who *constantly* sacrifices character for plot 'just because' or to 'shake things up', and who has no idea how to tell a contained story over several seasons before *bringing it to a close* will be joining a network that allows content creators absolute freedom.

Of course they are! Your system sucks, but the politicians who can do something about it still have to be voted in, and *half your country didn't vote*. If even a fraction more had voted in the marginal states the whole picture could have been totally different!

And every person who sat out an election this important because 'they're as bad as each other', or 'there's no way he can win'.

Trump would never preface it with 'I don't mean to be unkind'. He always means to be unkind.

The 'anti-anti-smoking' episode goes so far as to argue there is no evidence of any danger from second-hand smoke, so smokers don't even have to care about that, and that over-eating is just as bad so why don't people focus on fat people instead… it really is a ridiculous mess.

Quotes, thoughts of the day, and all sorts of other fun stuff is written on those signs in various stations all the time (came across one just today).

Where's Trumpy? Where's Trumpy? There he is! …wish I'd kept my hands over my eyes :-|

"Also, you talk negatively of men that say they don't understand women, while ignoring all the many women who constantly claim that men don't understand what it's like to be a woman."

That would be a terrible idea - famous Kara and famous Supergirl would very quickly be identified as the same person!
The only way she pulls of the 'secret' identity at all is that most people don't know both Kara and Supergirl. If the city all knew Kara's face it'd only be a matter of time (or the show would become

Which is my point - editor and director decisions can be rather nebulous.
Good actress or not there are good takes and bad takes. It's perfectly possible she did a take where her accent was bang on but she was dead behind the eyes because she was thinking about lunch… The point is we'll never know for sure why those

I think the non-electronically altered voice in the promo for next week (saying they've been planning this for a year) sounds an awful lot like him… if he makes a surprise return next week I'll be incredibly impressed with how well they've kept it under wraps.

There are a lot of reasons why - no time available; they did have more takes but her performance was better in the ones selected even with the accent flubs; they didn't hear it because there were multiple accents in the room anyway; she's unreliable enough with it that they didn't think she'd get it any better; they

Making her a photojournalist might have been more interesting. We know from the paintings she has an artistic bent, and it would have actually given James a purpose, since he could have mentored her.

'that long' is relative - it's seems like it's been a few months in-show. That's long enough to be an established relationship, and when you're in a relationship you do have a foundation of knowledge about each other (if it's a healthy one, anyway). Maybe he knows her well enough that he understands why it happened

Odds are they were giving Chyler a nice light episode due to the heavy lifting she'll be doing in the next one.

Eh - if he had a young male staffer in a similar position to her he'd likely call him 'glasses' or 'babyface', or hell, even 'ponytail' if the guy had long hair.
I do agree in a lot of cases nicknames are a calling card of sexism, but this just seems to be who Snapper is, and in this case I don't think has anything to

Yeah! That's exactly what I was saying! Not 'if you are going to mock a subject effectively and in a way that's genuinely funny you should actually understand it first', but that! That crap you just spewed about minefields and eggshells! Exactly that!

Witty and innovative response! Not tired and cliche at all!