
It was a pretty extreme situation, and if you fold into that Alex's general complex about how her whole life is about protecting Kara, and the fact she was unable to tell Maggie that it was Kara that was missing, and I get it.

You're annoyed about conveniently placed waterlines? I'm annoyed that her weakness is *water* and yet they never go to fight her *armed with water*.

Not really 'nearly'. According to how she tells it, she auditioned for it because she felt her voice was fairly good, but while waiting she heard all these other amazing singers auditioning and had a feeling she wouldn't have the vocal chops. Then in the room, they knew her voice wasn't strong enough from almost the

Could have been poisonous on contact… or if they didn't know how long they'd be there the practicalities of lugging several tanks of breathable air for him would have been a problem…

Well, evil people care about very little in life (besides themselves and their own happiness), and that means they suffer less stress. Whereas the good? Care about huge numbers of things, including injustices and hurts that don't even affect them personally. So, theoretically, when you take into account how much of a

Jay called him 'barely legal' and it was previously established that his birthday is around thanksgiving, so it's possible/probable he's recently turned eighteen.
Storyline was still creepy though - more due to Jay's actions than the cougar's.

So - they are one thousand percent going to smoosh worlds sometime soon, right? Because *no way* those comments about their worlds needing each other from Oliver and Kara at the end were anything other than foreshadowing. No way.

Not as far as we know - though if she did the responsible thing offscreen and told her sister she was going to another universe before popping through that portal then Alex could have told her (or she may have flown over too fast and interrupted something…).

Well, J'onn isn't *technically* heroing in the classical sense, and Mon-El is currently *definitely* not heroing. She and Clark are the only open and visible 'supers' flying around solving city and global problems. Maybe at some point Martian Manhunter will step more firmly into that role alongside his secret ops

Well, to be fair, there's only so many ways you can do group shots of 'the heroes', whatever show/film universe you're in. You shoot from a lower angle to make them look powerful, you have the ones who can fly above so you get layers (and so you don't have to go *too* wide and lose the impact), and you spread them out

So - what did you do with your winnings? :-D

It would essentially be the Superman/Batman dynamic, the way it's *supposed* to be done… without Snyder shitting all over it.

Ah, that bit… yeah, it was a little silly. Borne more from Alex's protective nature than any real chance she would have had to save Maggie.
It might be foreshadowing that 'in a relationship' Alex may enjoy playing the white knight for her girlfriend… Agent Danvers does love to swoop in and save the day (though

Alex was a medical student of some kind. It's been mentioned before, but in particular I remember episode two of this season when she and Kara were fighting about Kara wanting to move to Metropolis, Alex said she gave up on a promising medical career to join the DEO (though in the episode with the flashbacks where

Yeah, cause when someone gets shot in the arm they don't think about how they almost died because 'oh, it was just superficial!'

Greetings from the future. Well done you!

And there you have it - wilful ignorance. Why write "tl;dr" when you can use a paragraph to make it seem like the one with the *informed* opinion is at fault, and not the one too lazy to read it?
Your stupid-ass comment showing your willingness to assume rather than actually reading what was said is the reason that

Just record it and fast forward. Not too tricky.

Oooh, at this point I want Gerald to SUFFER.

Ah - now you're inceptioning! Because for that to happen, *they* would have had to have comprehensive sex education… take that back as far as you like.