
You are correct - you can never blame just one source. All the threads of the world are deeply and complexly woven, and to pull one is to pull them all. There was no 'one moment', no 'one cause'. A million tiny things pulling together did this - South Park, like it or not, is probably one of them.

Yeah - and thinking you can totally isolate yourself and your opinions from the culture that surrounds you is also pretty dumb, I'm afraid.

She's in her second year - so unless she started school early/was bumped up a grade and it was never mentioned, she's 19-20. Still not *that* big of a deal, but if the show continues matching her with high school guys it's gonna get weird.

That's not what JEng was saying - as they clarified, it's not that those who abuse weren't victims (in fact, as you said, it's the opposite, and the vast majority of abusers were once victims). It's that *most victims* do *not* go on to perpetuate 'the cycle'. According to Criminal Minds (which JEng mentioned and

That would depend if my job was 'up for the chop' for ridiculous reasons (like, I don't know, if some politician were campaigning for writers to be obligated to work for free, I'd probably vote for the other guy), or because the world is progressing in an inevitable direction and any attempts to stop it will end up at

They've done a wonderful job of making Gerald so entirely hateful that I'll experience so much joy when he gets it. At this point I find myself hoping he dies. Horribly.

Nolan's Gould's acting 'skills' guarantee that Luke is always 'strangely unemotional'. Dude seriously cannot handle even the lightest of storylines, let alone anything more emotionally solid.

She was there - she said she told her daughter she would do the dishes; while she may have been out of the room for the fall, it would have been pretty damned obvious to her if she walked back into the kitchen and saw her child had stabbed herself (rather than what actually happened, her child on the floor/open

The mother was right there when it happened, she said quite clearly she'd told her daughter to rest, that she'd do the dishes, so nah. Slipping and falling onto sharp silverware isn't exactly an 'out of the realms of possibility' occurrence. Especially when you're pregnant and your centre of balance is off. The idea

I think Callie's lawyer was attempting to get to 'actually, you never wanted children at all, did you?' before Arizona cut her off - the way the questions were going seemed to be headed that way. Or maybe there were some lines that even Callie wouldn't cross (though from this episode I wouldn't bet on it).

That has always annoyed me, so much! It was like, Ross running around, freaking out Rachel was leaving, realising he loved her… WHAT ABOUT YOUR DAUGHTER? Do you really not give a crap about her? — because you're sure acting like you don't. And also, no way Rachel would have agreed either - no matter whether the job

Lucy was not into comic books - she clarified with Raj on their actual date that she was just challenging herself to do more social things because of her social anxiety, so went to the mixer at the comic store when she saw it, but actually had no interest.

Hah! My mother always spots it ridiculously early, because she's got some sort of weird superpower, where she notices what she calls 'pregnancy face' - no need for the tummy or waddling walk, it's all in the face!

They refrained because they were setting up the reveal, with Sofia getting her things, the silhouette of the winning mother behind the front door… *that* was the reveal, and far more effective/less cliched than just hearing the judge announce and watching the courtroom erupt.

In terms of that plot line, I don't have an issue with Arizona having an easy time hooking up and sleeping around - if she (or anyone in real life with a visible disability) is confident enough to do so, good for her. Definitely not outside the realms of possibility.

You didn't have to - I found it kind of funny, since grammar mistakes can bother the hell out of me too. I suppose my hatred of the stupidity/lies of Owen's testimony temporarily blinded me to my own, lol.

Lol - that may have been down to my indignation/typing at speed. No red underlines for grammatical mistakes, and I pressed enter without a read through.

Hey - that hug from Callie at the top of the article was a metaphor for the whole episode! Callie grips her child so hard, and even when Sofia literally says 'you're hugging me too tight' (which is child for 'you're hurting me'), Callie does not let go until forced to.

Sooo stupid… either that or a liar, given that the lawyer quite bluntly asked what motivated Callie to work with the vets, and anyone who's watched the show for even a minute knows it was ARIZONA LOSING HER LEG! Callie wanted to fix her wife's leg, that's how it happened! Owen basically perjured himself to make Callie

As far as I'm aware, that's true - but even if she gives birth today, they'll be filming again in three or four months - and it's unlikely JCap would want to take on a full shooting schedule when she has a baby that young.