
Yep - TWoP veteran. High five! And yeah, Demian's recaps became my favourite… when I was younger and an actual fan of Charmed (when I was thirteen or fourteen and my love for that show was at its height), I thought he was way too mean (and even though I love his stuff now, I do still think that on occasion - he could

Yeah - if you watch, they're playing 'block that fetus' and constantly having her wearing loose clothing/standing behind things/shot from the waist up. My favourite, I think, was the random table/bed tray thing between her and Kepner when she was delivering the results of the MRI - where she could rest her one sheet

Part of the reason I was expecting Callie to win (beyond the usual way Grey's rewards bad behaviour) was that JCap's pregnancy means she'll probably need at least a bit of maternity leave (unless she pops right after the finale, I guess, and even then as a mother with a new baby I'd think the show would give her, at

I think she was supposed to be wearing her fancy heel prosthetic - the one they ordered specially that was specifically matched to her other leg and had the right shape for heels.

Yeah, and implying that Sofia was some sort of planned baby with Mark and Callie before Arizona butted in, rather than the result of a one-night stand between two friends … as though because Mark and Callie banged one night that somehow made them the 'real' parents. Even there, Arizona could have pointed that out,

The whole 'exactly how many nights are you spending not with your daughter' aspect of it was ridiculous, and as you said the maths made no sense… but I think the real point was the not-so-subtle implication that Arizona was a slut who was spending all her free time drinking and hooking up at a lesbian bar. For me that

Lol - I was 100% that woman was 40. I suppose though, in real life you meet 28 year olds who look 40, and 40 year olds who look 28… so as much as the character being 28 seems ridiculous, I guess it's also not so much. More TV ridiculous (you never see 40 looking 28 year olds on tv) than real life ridiculous.

I think because she was under the impression (before the rest of Callie's ridiculous 'announcement') that Callie would be leaving Sofia behind for a year, and couldn't get her head around her leaving her own child - so she hit the 'you'.

No - Africa was for, I think, three years… or possibly a few more or less, but it was 100% not indefinite. But yeah, this is a completely different situation, because there is a *child* involved.

It was maybe a little mean of Bernie - but the guys tease Sheldon far more harshly all the time.
Beyond that, while Sheldon has made great strides, he can still be a very trying individual at times, and when considering the fact Bernadette has never spent any one-on-one time with him before, I completely understood

I love Block that Fetus! If only to see how creative various shows get with it. My favourite, yet to be topped, was many a year ago when Holly Marie Combs was pregnant in Charmed (I was a teenager - didn't always have the best taste in TV :-s), and they took advantage of being a fantasy show and literally had her

I just find the whole way they reshaped his character annoying. At one point he owned a comic book store, but was a perfectly functional human being, a bit of a 'king of the nerds' in the way he interacted with his customers, telling them they're "just girls" when members of the show's female cast showed up, and the

Yep - they're all awful, and most of them think they're amazing, and a few even have the outright delusion that they're some kind of 'white-hatted' *heroes*! It's insufferable and nauseating, and I really, really wish my mother and every other misguided soul who gives it ratings would STOP so that show can just die,

Or realise that women owe him nothing, and he should really be working on himself rather than desperately seeking dates. He came pretty close that time he was talking things through with Sheldon (who pointed out that every date Raj had he thought would turn into 'the one'), but the show has backed off of all character

Wow - I skimmed the Breaking Bad sentence because I have yet to watch it (and I've somehow managed to remain spoiler free), but you know the rest? Every one of those we know because THE WRITERS AND CREATORS SAID SO! Which pretty much kills your fantastically sarcastic first sentence.

Not really fair - the reason for that joke was because Bernadette had already stuck up for Howard and Amy for Sheldon. But the show's flipped the script often enough, with Bernie expecting/getting support from Howard, or Penny from Leonard. Amy from Sheldon maybe happens less often than the other way around, since as

Yeaaaah, no. You can find confirmation pretty much in any article about Friends that creators Marta Kauffman and David Crane *always* intended for Ross and Rachel to get back together, but they wanted it to be the finale of the whole show. The problem was they had no idea how long Friends would run and didn't want

Lol - you are correct. I was rather tired when I wrote that - though that's no excuse for my maths being that far off. You'd take one third from each of them to give to Howard then - that's correct, right?

Joey and Rachel was *never* intended to be a real thing. The endgame was *always* Ross and Rachel. The literal only reason they did it (and personally I believe it was one of the show's few missteps) was because they knew the series was going to go on for at least a couple more seasons, and they needed a legitimate

Like Joey? At the end of Friends?