
That's not true. The first version split the profits three ways (so I imagine without the legalese it meant Howard got half of Sheldon's and half of Leonard's profits, meaning they each get a third of the 25% left to them by the university). The only difference in the latter contract, money-wise, was that Sheldon

Yep - sustained quality over multiple episodes and seasons is 100% about rooting the show in the characters. Shonda's main issue is that she seems to want to do whatever she wants plot-wise, and has no issue *gutting* previous characterisation in order to do it, or shoehorning her opinions/ideas into whichever

Yep. If Shonda has proved anything about her writing over the years and multiple shows, it's that she doesn't do anything beyond a single episode's forethought… if that.

Because he was never actually good - he was just cute enough and good enough at memorising his lines that he got by. But once the cuteness went away…

Maybe he really *was* the parasite, and the whole 'shooting' thing was it evolving the ability to create bad memories, and therefore escape into the world!

I'd recommend chronological order - but the episodes really do reward rewatching, so the real joy for me was watching them chronologically, then going back and watching them again in random order. I didn't find the pilot overly funny the first time around (I preferred the second episode, Lawnmower Dog), but when I

On My Little Pony, he's quite literally playing their version of Q - the whole character was based on Q right from concept, and they talked about DeLancie but never thought they'd get him…
Ok, I'm not really sure how I know that… my brain has a weird fact depository and sometimes I have no clue where the information

Me too! I'm glad I wasn't the only one… makes me feel a little lest twisted.

As PeepingTorgo has already pointed out, this show is definitely rooted in the concept of a multiverse - so a version of Krombopolous from another dimension may well pop up at some point in another episode.
Personally, I hope he does - I agree the character had/has potential… what is it with briefly appearing bounty

You just convinced me that a remake of The Truman Show with modern sensibilities would be utterly fantastic! If done right it could be a wonderfully incisive indictment of our current reality TV culture, and the desire so many people seem to have to watch others suffer emotionally (if not usually physically).

…That's a really cool way to phrase it :-).

Not allies, friends. Loved ones. Those are very different things, and all the Starks but Sansa had/have them.

I don't think Sansa is ever 'going back'. To be honest, I've felt she's been fated to eternal misery ever since her father killed Lady. If we go with the idea the Stark direwolves were 'sent' by the old gods for the children, then Ned killing one was both spitting in the face of those gods (thus dooming himself), and

Wow - you sure do seem to want to watch teenagers having sexual contact (and Haley's had several romantic interests, she's probably having plenty of sex).

Not sure where you got that, but I googled to check, and every website I landed on actually *recommended* dairy after a wisdom tooth extraction, because it's gentle on the stomach, and things like milkshakes are soothing.

He's been slowly improving. His healing arc is actually fairly well done when you marathon this season.
Brain damage can be unpredictable, and he was starting from a high baseline intelligence. People with brain damage have been studied and the brain can sometimes 'rewire', so to speak - functions previously performed

She is working in a fashion company - plenty of fashionistas see themselves as artists. And the context of her 'sculpture' being drunk-Alex was very funny.

I had a fairly ample décolletage by sixteen (though I was not as well-endowed as Alex/Ariel). I very rarely dressed to emphasise it. I am also not a lesbian but have plenty of flannel/plaid/checked shirts.
How she dresses is perfectly normal (though not fashionable). Others have already covered why sexualising Ariel

According to Haley, she had a long island iced tea - one of the strongest drinks in existence, *and* one with mixed spirits (which always gets you drunker). But from what we saw she only had the one, so it knocking her on her proverbial arse for an hour or two then wearing off and leaving her back to normal (if a

Not everyone gets hang overs straight away - I drank very rarely from sixteen to twenty - a heavy night every few months or so (keep in mind where I live drinking is legal at eighteen). I was twenty before I had my first hangover, even though I had some properly drunk nights in my past.
In fact, most people I know