

North Korea has not made that much progress in the 30 years they have been working on nuclear weapons and a missile delivery system. They beat the drum and go back in their hole. At the end of the day they know that a real strike using a weapon against anything more than a small target in South Korea will lead to

It’s hilarious, you people had the same arguments in 2003. And Iraq turned out really swell didn’t it?

Multiple failed nuclear tests.

Since you clearly missed the main point of the article, I’ll plainly repeat it: what has changed with NK in the last 3 months to make it such an urgent issue to pick a fight?

The clusterfuck of the Korean situation is a intricate one that needs a thoughtful and measured response from a someone skilled in international relations, and that this response might include a military action - but only after careful consideration.

Bear in mind, General Mattis was kept from taking command in Iraq because he had such a hard on for Iran that military leadership was worried he’d go as far as “accidentally” starting a war there. Now, to be fair, he’s taken a notably “softer” stance since then, but let’s not understate the fact that Mattis is a

Or maybe the target audience isn’t deniers - maybe the entire thing exists just to capitalize on the audience of viewers that want to tune in to further justify their own beliefs, resulting in an increase in funding to TPS and Climate Change organizations .

This show is for the people that think a man with a Bachelors in Engineering, a serious ranting problem and a now apparently lost knack for making science fun for kids is the way to cure Trump and everyone like him of their hatred of science. As it turns out an old lunatic that spends most of his screen time ranting

People who stop for rotaries. People who slow down for rotaries. People who acknowledge other cars in rotaries.

You think people rolled out of bed and decided to tie their self esteem not just to how much money they make but even more insidiously to how good of a worker they are, to the extent that they valorize not even taking advantage of their employer’s benefits package, to the point that they become depressed and lose

But is that really a capitalism thing, or just a macho douchebag thing? I doubt you’d hear anything different from your average state party boot-licker in China. The male ego knows no socioeconomic bounds.

Capitalism really does a number on some people.

Lady with kids: Don’t try to bring a stroller into the cabin with you. It’s dumb. It is very, very likely you knew it was not allowed. Besides that, sorry that this happened to you.

Who’s the protagonist in this story?

You sure showed them!!

It would be cool if you and others were as passionate about racism as you are about coming to the defense of things you deem to not be racist.

That is fair. I also think it’s fair to say that although this tweet may not be inherently racist, it certainly looks bad and can be seen as such.

Since November, the national medias opinion sections have been filled with calls to seek insightor empathytowards Trump voters, along with heartwarming tales of our fundamental shared humanity.

THIS!!!!! “Your daughter’s male gymnastics coach, trainer, choreographer, or whoever shouldn’t be spending 1:1 with her without supervision”