I’m more of a Stan Tekiela man, myself — but I may give yours a go, duder.
I’m more of a Stan Tekiela man, myself — but I may give yours a go, duder.
Yeah it is snazzy as hell! It actually nests right above the window, or it did until a few days ago. I should also say as an entomologist that my disrespect for bird geeks is purely professional, some of my best friends are birders. Its just that I can’t be seen advocating for vertebrates.
We thought we had those, but they’re apparently rare near is in the northeast. Turns out we had red-bellied woodpeckers, which also have a red head.
(Not to bag on woodpeckers, which are awesome. The other day I saw a woodpecker the size of a chicken on a tree outside; it was incredible. One of the best things that has happened this year.)
This is what happens when you aggressively gerrymander a state and suppress the vote of minorities. You make it possible to elect the unelectable.
Voting for Kawahi is like craft beer for pretentious NBA stat nerds, who for some reason need a reason to discredit an otherwise all time great individual effort by Westbrook, “This KawahiPA over here is just so exquisite, I don’t think i can ever go back to looking at basketball the same way” .... “Who even came up…
I’d say the Redskins logo isn’t a caricature but it’s still offensive. So I’d be interested in seeing that guy’s mental gymnastics with it.
You really should not wear slippers without the socks.. your toes will get cold.
The impetus for me was the onset of the 24-36 hour hangover. It was then that I surrendered
UNC-Chapel Hill is a fantastic public university and, frankly, an anomaly in an otherwise dumpster fire of a state government system. That said: Death. Penalty. I have no mercy with student-athletes in my classes. I don’t give a damn if they have practice or are “tired” or over committed. Quit. You are not going to go…
Hi UNC grad student. I can take those outside the UNC community making broad generalizations about this “scandal”, because it takes a lot of time and critical thinking to to understand what happened. But you need to read the reports and think about what you are saying.
The NCAA basically makes up the rules and their interpretation as they go along, so of course it’s enforceable. Paterno, Spanier et al did what they did for the benefit of the football program. No moral compasses to be found anywhere
I have no defense here.
I would wish for UNC to get the death penalty if I thought it would make enough people sit back and reassess.
Adult REM cycles are ~90 minutes, which matches up with the time between snaps in the average NFL game.
it just irks me that THIS is what gets white people riled up? Seriously?
I’m all for resistance when it some to real causes. Like resisting the entire Trump administration. This guy got bumped from a flight for overbooking, then had to be dragged off the plane.
One thing to take into account: driving those employees to Louisville might not have gotten them there in time to get the legally-required rest for their flight the next morning.
This example is terrible.
There’s a series of FAA regulations called the “Sterile Cockpit Rules” https://asrs.arc.nasa.gov/publications/directline/dl4_sterile.htm which are designed to minimize distractions when pilots are taxiing, taking off and landing, so that the people on board are safe. This includes minimizing…
Unless they get the say-so from the pilot, no flight attendant is going to want you to wander around while the seatbelt sign is on. The law says the pilot can’t move that plane during takeoff, landing, or on the surface, if everyone isn’t in their seats. So by letting you get up and walk around, they’re committing…