
So now I have to scroll through endless reviews of tv shows I don’t like and don’t watch to get to the ones I do like?

This is not an improvement.

The best/worst thing about Facebook is the ability to see how stupid some of these people, who we choose to put in some of our most important positions that affect so many people, really are.

John Blust, my state representaive (wooo!) is a fucking nutjob. He’s also too old or stupid to keep his facebook page private so go to fucking town, people.

Yeah, I admit to being pretty pessimistic about everything. It’s ironic that the national realization that social democratic principles are probably the right way to go comes right about the same time that the mechanisms for achieving those principles (fair districting, a liberal SCOTUS) are not coming back any time

It’s less that the party is dead and more than there is a systematic attempt to make it so that Likely Democratic voters cannot cast a vote.

Don’t mind him. He’s just pissed ACA wouldn’t pay for his calf implants.

Not that this is terribly important, but the monkey in the header image for this post is a Gelada, which is a really odd primate endemic to the highlands of Ethiopia.

The baboon species in Livingstone, Zambia, would be Chacma Baboon.

I expect this would be next season. I think this season ends with the wall coming down.

I believe they’ll be called “Chewy-rros”

When you say “Indians”, are you talking about the hundreds of distinct tribes and cultures that approached diplomacy and settlement in different ways? Or do you really think they’re all the same?

You can treat the native populations however you want. If you trade fairly with them they might become allies in your war for independence, but if you’re a dick, they’ll start attacking your settlements and killing your colonists.

I used to be a real-deal, shaved legs bike racer back when I was in college and could pull off those things. I stopped when I moved somewhere where all the roads had way too much traffic and I didn’t feel like taking my life into my hands every day. I also got a job and didn’t have time to train enough to keep up with

Was that confirmed? That would sort of disappoint me if so. I would wish for a more mysterious end to Hanzee.

I am 100% on the adult rash guard train. I may look like a total nerd at the pool but at least I’m not putting sunscreen on my torso like a sucker, or alternately suffering through awful sunburn.

I can’t believe it hasn’t caught on more, to be honest. I’m often the only dad at the pool with the swim shirt.

Those complaining that business travelers won’t stand for this forget that the airlines will just make first and business class passengers exempt from this restriction. I give it about 2 weeks.

Yes. I have to wonder on what planet does Disney think this will be a success.

Because it’s not Earth. I’m not even sure it would be Pandora.

I apologize for not reading all 350+ comments in case someone else has this particular pet peeve. But I cannot stand people who put their hazard lights on when it rains hard.

I’m already nervous driving in those conditions, the last thing I need are blinking orange lights everywhere distracting me even more. I’m

Strollers are generally not allowed in the cabin. You gate-check them and they’re typically waiting for you when you get off. I’ve flown many times with stroller-bound kids and you never get to take it into the cabin.

There’s no defense for how the flight attendent reacted, if the reports are accurate. But the gate

At least Kid Rock has the decency to look sort of uncomfortable in that situation.

And that is the one and only time that the words “At least Kid Rock has the decency” have ever been used consecutively.