The shittiest perpetual consolation prize- Utah’s never the worst, we’re generally the second-to-fifth worst. Hooray.
The shittiest perpetual consolation prize- Utah’s never the worst, we’re generally the second-to-fifth worst. Hooray.
I knew Utah would be bad before I even clicked on that, but 48th! We’re actually not the second-worst, as I thought we would be. Just the fourth-worst.
Let’s not wait for a span of time equal to the amount of time separating us from Napoleon Bonaparte’s last war to solve this problem. Universal day-care, universal after-school, and total salary transparency plus “equal pay for equal work” with private right of action law now.
I am waiting for the inevitable “The wage gap isn’t real.” mansplainers.
If there is a field that is dominated by women, assume that field has a very low wage. There are almost no exceptions. If there is a field that was once dominated by women but evolves to integrate equal numbers of men, the wages go up. Always.
And that’s just the average. State by state metrics can be even worse. God help women who live in Wyoming:
Make prostate exams and testicular ultrasounds a requirement for getting a viagra prescription.
She really should challenge him to a public debate/exam on the subject matter. Televise the whole damn thing and see who comes across as ignorant. Pick one of the state university profs to prep the questions or just use the existing first year bio exam.
The fees collected will go towards towards children monitored by the Department of Family Protective Services “in order to assist in the assertion of the importance of the sanctity of life.
I love that he suggested Charter Schools; that us Grade A synergy.
I love how he suggests she take a high school biology class. Ah, yes! American high school biology classes, veritable founts of sex ed wisdom (bonus points if it’s a creationist charter school in the Bible Belt).
Anyone who can’t have an honest conversation with their patient because of what the patient “might” do is both too unethical and too fragile to be a doctor (good ol’ conservative snowflakes!). As a physician myself, fuck anyone who would lie to their patient.
I can easily see a day where I hit the Most Wanted list for unpaid masturbation fines...
I’m sure there are some asshole doctors who would do this but I’d LIKE to believe that most take their job and oath seriously and would forever fucking refuse to do such an unethical thing.
That. is. HILARIOUS. The perfect illustration of a “I’ll go if it’s important to you but don’t expect me to socialize” boyfriend moment.
Mine charges $600 a year more if you’re a smoker and then an additional $600 a year more if you don’t complete a “biometric screening” by a certain date. Basically you have to go to the doctor and have them fill out all sorts of info on a form and they fax it back to the company’s wellness provider. They say the…
I know they probably have to use ‘toilette’ because of the oils, but Threat de Toilette is a terrible name. The immediate smell that comes to mind would definitely make me not even try this...
Oh shit, you cracked the code. They don’t mean less government, they mean literally governing the smallest places.
Oh yeah I know about the difference in charges. But I mean full on, women of reproductive age being totally uninsurable and denied coverage.
My company is already financially punishes us if we don’t take wellness test, which is fine by me at this point, one less doctors appointment. But generic testing is on a level of “Minority Report”.