I mean, it is a truth universally acknowledged that Steve Bannon has a corrosive personality but this crosses over into “ai-eee-eee-eee” territory.
I mean, it is a truth universally acknowledged that Steve Bannon has a corrosive personality but this crosses over into “ai-eee-eee-eee” territory.
Certain sea slugs excrete mixture of hydrochloric and sulfuric acid. Clearly this should be expected to wash off when Bannon takes his annual bath.
Was that body blindfolded and carrying a scale?
While I’d like to think it’s because he was dissolving bodies... isn’t it more likely that this “Diane” used the wrong leave-on cleaner and forgot to wash it off? Swimming pool/jacuzzi cleaner can be lethal and melt concrete is not mixed/used properly - it’s an industrial cleaner.
I’m still kind of mad that ‘female empowerment’ is embodied by a girl, rather than a grown-ass woman. But I guess girls are non-threatening enough to not crush the testicles of these manbabies....
Omg, my dog pulled a dead possum out from under the deck and so I picked it up and put in in a bag outside the yard so I could call the dead animal people to get it, but the next morning it was gone. It had been playing possum. I had moved a LIVE POSSUM.
So we did, and the first month we saved 25% of his energy bill just by doing simple things—he was leaving his beer coolers on overnight when it was minus-one outside, and he was leaving the lights on throughout the pub, and switching the ovens on at 9 in the morning and not serving the first meal till lunchtime. So…
TomatoFace has neven seen pussy in person.
Please dismiss troll:
Nikki Minaj is without question my number one celeb crush. That girl was molded in the pits of hell and released on earth to suffocate whatever purity we might have left. Sweet holy hell. Sweet sweet holy hell. Yeah.
You have to admire their commitment to this drywall project.
No one should be shamed for having an eating disorder.
The “A Day Without a Woman” rally on 59th street was one of hundreds of gatherings around the country connected to…
when i was teaching someone once told me i was a glorified babysitter.
Somehow I doubt men will step up unless there’s enough money and prestige for them