
No fucking shit, Sherlock.

The article writers don’t like it either. Kotaku writers vs. Kotaku owners is an ancient ongoing war.

god I read the headline and was afraid they were getting rid of old.reddit.

When you're downloading you're technically seeding at the same time. So basically you've been exposed from the second you started the download. Better to have a vpn with a killswitch enabled, safest option AFAIK.

Nintendo isn’t smart enough, they probably think Kotaku is a hacking website for writing about this.

It’s OK to like bad movies. 

improving their member’s contracts would cost Hollywood a collective $430 million per year“

When a single upper-level executive from nearly every studio gets paid more per year than the total cost of what the WGA is asking for to better support all of its thousands of wildly underpaid writers (yes, seriously), the people who are literally the foundation of everything these studios produce, and the WGA’s

You’re right, it’s much worse. They decided well before ChatGPT was a thing to not pay writers well.

Technically, that is the case. Corporate in general have become more anti-worker/creative labor since the pandemic’s peak. The rise of AI and their rush to utilize it is of no surprise. I mean, Hollywood always devalued their writers, but they wanted to up the ante and just replace them altogether just to save a dime.

Johnny’s absence in the first film was noticed by longtime fans, but director Simon McQuoid told Variety they opted not to include him because he’s such a big personality that he would have derailed the story and become the center of attention.

Will I still be able to enjoy Johnny Cage in a medium where I can’t rip his brain out of his head? This is the challenge of the filmmaker.

Hope it doesn’t get lonely over there for you.

This trailer had like 15 THE THING references :D


Transpeople doing strip shows in Kindergardens

Never seen a group of people more obsessed with other people’s genitalia. Fuckin wierdos.

 Hush now, your betters are talking. 

Show me the proof of one of these strip shows at a Kindergarten. Oh, what’s that? You made it up to prove an imaginary argument no-one was having. I am shocked! Shocked, I say!

The giant bags of money Fortnite brings in would like to have a word with you.