Didn’t care so much that they actually commented twice
Didn’t care so much that they actually commented twice
Yeah, how dare Dunkey have a sense of humor? Who does he think he is?
Maybe less people should base their purchasing decisions on the word of a guy talks funny, screams “KNACK 2 BABEE” and got kicked out of League Of Legends for being too toxic even for their community
FF Tactics is one of my very favorite all time games. Have never played Tactics Ogre, but I’m hour or so in and utterly delighted. Yes, I wish it was prettier, but so every I really love everything I’m seeing. ESPECIALLY the score. It’s perfect.
Mark Hamil Said it best
“He will always be my Batman”
EA really fucked up battlefield by trying to chase CoD and being 2 years behind it. 2042 is finally in a spot where it feels like battlefield again but it's two years too late.
I swear, I’m just going to start treating AAA multiplayer games as launching in alpha and needing 1-2 years of work before they’re actually ready to launch. That sure seems to be the bloody trend lately.
The Comeback is also the best post-Friends show. Great stuff.
Wait, you mean he said something other than “You guessed it, Frank Stallone!”???
*boots up Bayonetta 3*
Wow, this article reeks of a lack of nuance, because we live in an era where both-sides-isms are the worst thing in the world, even though we are just talking about video game matchmaking and not if someone deserves basic human rights.
Arguably the best response to this discourse:
“Spider-Man! Help! I’m getting mugged!”
Right Wingers are the biggest snowflakes on the fucking planet I swear lol.
““None of us are that stupid.””
oooh, slow down there for a moment, hon.
She’s literally married to a Heritage Foundation ghoul. Activision really loves hiring the worst people in the country.
If we don’t get a code for the game, we can’t review it ahead of time. Simple as that.
What does it matter who got to it “first”?